Saturday, March 17, 2012

Giveaways Galore, Sunny Weather and More {Lots More}...

I really don't know what I'm doing on this computer - the weather is nuts, crazy, wild and wonderful for Michigan; this time of year.  It's in the 70's, sunny and downright GORGEOUS.  Every window in the house is WIDE open and I haven't seen hide nor hair of my chitlins since 9:00 a.m. 

Staci, over at Let's Teach Something is having a Grand-tacular giveaway to celebrate 100 followers!!!!  She asked if I'd like to participate. So sweet.  Since I'm not store-worthy {truly, that's WAY beyond me} I'm offering a 10 dollar gift card to TpT but there are LOTS of other girls offering goodies from their stores. 

You'd hit the jackpot if you won...

Head on over to Staci's blog and enter!!!

Don't forget to enter my little giveaway if you haven't already...spread the word if you can!  I promise entering will give you years of good luck!!!!! Thank you SOOOOO much for entering!!!!!

Click Here to Enter!

Here's the more part of my post - I came home from work yesterday, grouchy, tired and just plain happy it was Friday!  Then this caught my eye...

Hubby had surprised me with the new ipad3!!!!!  You have to know something.  I never get the latest and greatest of anything.  Either I get a hand-me-down, a version from three years ago, or nothing at all - so when I saw this I know I jumped up and down and started screaming.  I know I did.  That thing is wonderful.  I can't wait to find some great apps and really use it to its potential.  LOVE!

Here's more of the more...

Something else you should know about me.  I'm really not all that creative, artsy-fartsy, crafty, any of those things a teacher probably should be.  That's why I am SOOOOOOO in love with blogging. Now I'm that "imaginative/fun teacher".  Now my teacher-friends say "I need to get into those blogs".  Why yes, yes you do!
From Cara Carroll over at The First Grade Parade
Saw this all over the place on Pinterest
Does that door not just put a huge smile on your face?  Of course, I tried drawing his 'stache and brows at least 20 times, finally threw down my pencil, crumpled up the paper and went running to my parapro, you know the one who did {these}, and she whipped it up in 10 minutes flat. Thank goodness for HER!

We went to the sugar bush and tapped some maple trees...the sap was running.  We've gone on this field trip a ton of times and it's always rainy, snowy, cold and pretty miserable.  This year it was 70 degrees!!!!! 

Do you remember that I got one of these?

I'm not rubbing it in - just excited!  If you have any cool apps to share please do in a comment below.  Right now my new favorite is Hanging With Friends {not a teacher app} but I found a "Confer" one {lite version = free} that allows you to take notes in this format:  Strength, Teaching Point, Next Step. You can set up groups and once you create a roster you can import it into any group.  You can also put in a reading level.  Your latest conference shows up on the "home page".  VERY cool. You can email the notes to yourself or others.  I'm curious what the non-lite version is like...that's how they get ya! {Although the full version is only 9.99 so that's not bad} 

Do share!!!!

And don't forget to enter the awesome giveaways!


  1. Congrats on the iPad, I want one so bad!!! Your hubby sounds awesome! The weather - so wonderful!! Glad your having a good weekend!

  2. So jealous about the IPad! I need one! Asap! What a great gift!

  3. Woo hoo congrats to you. I bought my brother's USED ipad last year when he bought the new ipad2. I keep hoping he'll get the new one this year so I can move up a year too, like you I never get the latest or greatest. ENJOY!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  4. YOU LUCKY DUCK!!! Congrats on the iPad 3!!!!!!!!! ENJOY!!! No wonder you're inside!
    PS I live in California. You live in Michigan. We are having storms and rain and wind. You are having sun and nice temps. WHAT????
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  5. Hooray for you! :) I have heard through the rumor mill that an app exists that allows you to control your computer via your iPad... kind of like the Mimio Pad that I posted about a few weeks ago. THAT would be awesome! Do you plan to use it in your classroom? I had high hopes of sharing my Nook with my students but feel so much in love with it that the idea of sharing turned me into... well, pretty much something like a 7-year old who hates to share! I can't wait for my 2 from Donor's Choose to arrive so I can get those in the hands of my kiddos!

    Enjoy your toy!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

    1. I have used LogMeIn to control the smart board with my iPad. It's not perfect, but it does work.
      First with Franklin

  6. I am so excited for you! I hinted to my hubby about your hubby's surprise for you, but I am not sure if he took the bait!

    First Grade Magic

  7. Congrats, Holly on the iPad 3. I have an original and an iPad 2. I love them both. I won the first one at a conference so I do let students use it. I am selective on who uses the newer one, "bought" with bonus points when they were reasonable. The program Christina mentioned is Splashtop. IEAR is a site that rates apps. You may want to check that out as well as Bloom's Taxonomy with apps. Have fun!

  8. Wow! Did you tell your hubby thank you a million times? Allow him to spoil you!
    An Open Door

  9. I know you will love your iPad. Our school gave several out to teachers who wanted to try them last April. Now our high school is giving one to every student in the fall. They will be able to use them in school and at home too.
    I do let my kids use mine( after all it does belong to the school!)
    They are very responsible with it, and have learned how to maneuver around it. The ones they like to play are:
    Word monkey, math ninja, talking Tom, and several others. You can check the app store everyday to see what's new. Do you use Everyday Math? They have their games like top it, fractions, beat the calculator, etc on there. Search for MacGraw-hill to find them.
    I'm loving this Michigan weather too.

    1. Thanks, Patty!!! Can't wait to check those out!

  10. Congrats on the iPad 3!! So lucky! I am sooooo loving this Michigan weather! It is why I love this place. ;) I love your Lorax door. I need to do that do. Love pinterest. :)

    Apples and Papers

  11. I want an iPad so badly! I'm still rockin' an Envy phone and I don't even have an no time soon for me!sniff sniff
    Going Nutty!

  12. OMG! I am so jealous of your IPad 3! I don't even have an IPad 1 or 2! lol Have fun playing on it. Tell you hubby he can get me one too and I would totally appreciate it! :)

  13. Ooh, have fun with your iPad. I have a 2 and I LOVE it!
    Grade ONEderful

  14. Hi Holly,
    I just nominated your blog for the Top 10 award! Swing by my blog to learn more!
    Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

  15. Congrats on your new ipad!! I don't have my own, but I have one at work and I love it! Come link up your giveaway on my linky party!

    Teaching First

  16. I'm sooooo excited FOR you about that iPad! A tad jealous, but excited nonetheless! I don't have one and would love to get one! I'm just now getting around to stopping by from you visiting MY blog last month, and am getting ready to follow you and check out these giveaways!! Thanks so much for the opportunities!!

  17. Hi Holly, I am giving you a beautiful blog award and a top ten blog award! Your blog is very cute and offers a lot to help us fellow teachers get better at what we do! I hope you'll jump over to my blog and pick up these awards. Then you can pass them along to some of your friends, too!
    Second In Line

    1. Thank you so much!!!! I so appreciate you thinking of me. I did receive this award several times and do need to pass it gets harder and harder to find people who haven't been given this sweet award. That's on my to-do list! HA!


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