I really don't know what I'm doing on this computer - the weather is nuts, crazy, wild and wonderful for Michigan; this time of year. It's in the 70's, sunny and downright GORGEOUS. Every window in the house is WIDE open and I haven't seen hide nor hair of my chitlins since 9:00 a.m.
Staci, over at
Let's Teach Something is having a Grand-tacular giveaway to celebrate 100 followers!!!! She asked if I'd like to participate. So sweet. Since I'm not store-worthy {truly, that's WAY beyond me} I'm offering a 10 dollar gift card to TpT but there are LOTS of other girls offering goodies from their stores.
You'd hit the jackpot if you won...
Head on over to Staci's
blog and enter!!!
Don't forget to enter my little giveaway if you haven't already...spread the word if you can! I promise entering will give you years of good luck!!!!! Thank you SOOOOO much for entering!!!!!
Click Here to Enter! |
Here's the more part of my post - I came home from work yesterday, grouchy, tired and just plain happy it was Friday! Then this caught my eye...
Hubby had surprised me with the new ipad3!!!!! You have to know something. I never get the latest and greatest of anything. Either I get a hand-me-down, a version from three years ago, or nothing at all - so when I saw this I know I jumped up and down and started screaming. I know I did. That thing is wonderful. I can't wait to find some great apps and really use it to its potential. LOVE!
Here's more of the more...
Something else you should know about me. I'm really not all that creative, artsy-fartsy, crafty, any of those things a teacher probably should be. That's why I am SOOOOOOO in love with blogging. Now I'm that "imaginative/fun teacher". Now my teacher-friends say "I need to get into those blogs". Why yes, yes you do!
From Cara Carroll over at The First Grade Parade |
Saw this all over the place on Pinterest |
Does that door not just put a huge smile on your face? Of course, I tried drawing his 'stache and brows at least 20 times, finally threw down my pencil, crumpled up the paper and went running to my parapro, you know the one who did {
these}, and she whipped it up in 10 minutes flat. Thank goodness for HER!
We went to the sugar bush and tapped some maple trees...the sap was running. We've gone on this field trip a ton of times and it's always rainy, snowy, cold and pretty miserable. This year it was 70 degrees!!!!!
Do you remember that I got one of these?
I'm not rubbing it in - just excited! If you have any cool apps to share please do in a comment below. Right now my new favorite is Hanging With Friends {not a teacher app} but I found a "Confer" one {lite version = free} that allows you to take notes in this format: Strength, Teaching Point, Next Step. You can set up groups and once you create a roster you can import it into any group. You can also put in a reading level. Your latest conference shows up on the "home page". VERY cool. You can email the notes to yourself or others. I'm curious what the non-lite version is like...that's how they get ya! {Although the full version is only 9.99 so that's not bad}
Do share!!!!
And don't forget to enter the awesome giveaways!