Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Michigan Meet Up July 2012

I woke up in the middle of the night more than a few times before the big Michigan Meet Up.  I don't know why I get so nervous. Okay, I do - I'll be honest with you here...I knew the next day I was about to meet up with some pretty amazing blogger friends and I'm pretty much starstruck.  To meet the person behind the blog just makes me get all jittery. 

Then I get there, and once I see the smiles....

...I forget about my butterflies!

I learned so much from these people!!!!  We talked about networking, some blogger do's and don'ts, and lots more!  You can tell this was put together by some very organized teachers...LOL!

And look what I won!!!!

Click on the book to visit Maria's blog!
I had some dental work done the day before. I was so afraid that my tooth was going to fly out of my mouth and into somebody's froo froo coffee so I did a lot of listening and not much talking.  You don't know how hard that was for me...

I'm pretty sure you're already following most of our blogs, but there were some friends there new to blogging {and a couple that I hope caught the blogging bug..BARB!} so here's the roll call:

Front Row:
Kimberly @ Funky First Grade Fun
Bethany @ B2 Squared Learning
Katie {A new to Michigan friend who I bet will catch the blogging bug once she lands a teaching job here!}
Kate @ EduKate and Inspire
Erin @ Kleinspiration
Karla @ Teach With a Smile
Maria @ Be the Difference
Patty @ Second in Line

Back Row:
Rich @ B2 Squared Learning
Nan @ Third Grade's a Charm
Barb {You know "The Barb" who I mention here and there in my blog?  I think she *may* have just caught the bug...I'll keep workin' on her!}
Marquin @ Writing for Wrinkles
Christina @ Bunting, Books and Bainbridge

I can't wait to do this again! But watch out...my chompers will be in working order!


  1. It was great to meet you! I couldn't believe I was actually going. I kept debating all the way up to the parking lot. I am great with chatting behind the computer, but in person is so outside of my box. Meeting people you respect for their work in the field is always exciting. It was a fabulous experience.

  2. So glad you had fun! Something came up and I couldn't make it. I was bummed, but next time I plan to be there! :)

    Stepping Into First Grade

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bummed I wasn't there (yes I wrote that on every single blog where there was a post about the meet up!!) I hope we have another in the near future so I can join in!!!
    The Resource(ful) Room

  5. I'm so glad to hear that I wasn't the only one who was nervous!!! I think we need to meet up every season-- I don't want to wait until next summer :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  6. Hi Holly,
    It was so much fun to get together!
    Go Barb! Go!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  7. Ha! That's so funny! I would have felt the same way. A little intimidated to say the least!I should have been in that photo...I am really disappointed that I missed out on the get-together. I would have loved to meet all of you wonderful ladies!It seems like a really fun time. Hopefully, there will be another meet-up soon. Anyway, please come stop in at my new blog. I'd really like to connect with you all there!


    Creative Lesson Cafe

  8. Looks like so much fun! Bummed I couldn't make it either. I was even down that way over the weekend, but other plans took over! And I agree it is nerve racking to meet the people behind the blog. :)And yes Barb start a blog.

    Apples and Papers

  9. I'm bummed I couldn't make this one - I was planning on it but something came up with family...So glad you all had a great time! Hopefully we'll have another one soon :)


  10. First I am jealous I couldn't be there and second I looove that book!! I hope you are enjoying your last days of summer!!

  11. Looks like fun!! Wish I was in one of these meet-up locals!!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade


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