Sunday, April 1, 2012

April FoOoOlS Day, Lunchbox Linky...SPRING BREAK!

Holy Shmoly,

April FooOols!  Whoever you are, you sweet little funny person who UN-followed me...come back now, I'm on to you....aPrIL fOoLs!  I went to bed last night, March 31st with 500 followers and woke up this morning, April 1st to 499.  Hardy har har har - you can come back now!!!!!

Was this last month nutty or what?  I'm so gladly welcoming spring break - we're going to enjoy a staycation and I can't think of any better way to spend it!  Something else that's nutty...

...this would look MUCH better if it were hugging a yummy chai tea latte from Starbucks - but a 7 Eleven iced mocha will have to do.  This little cutie is from my bloggy buddy Staci over at Going Nutty! In Miss Squirrel's First Grade - just because!  She really made my day - it came right after that insanely busy week....thanks, darlin'!  If you like it, go visit her blog, follow her, and then convince her to have a bloggy giveaway...I have my eye on the one with the 'stache!

In any spare time I could find {which wasn't much - so I'm only 6% through...ha - that's Kindle talk - I never know what page I'm on, or what chapters I've read, just my percent read} I decided to hunker down and read....

I think I'm gonna like it!

....and I'm a little late to the party, but....I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be nosy.  I've loved peeking inside your lunchboxes!!!!!  Mine is no great shakes, but I did realize I have quite the lunchbox collection...

Totally depends on...nothing....when deciding on which one I'll bring.  It's whichever one is at home and not left in the car or the classroom. 

I'm usually a leftover queen - whatever we had for dinner the night before, ends up in my lunchbox the next day. If there's nothing left over, I'm a total snacky-lunch person.  My lunch might contain:

No great shakes.

First grade has the "brunch" hour - our kids go out to recess first at 10:45 - a noonaide comes and gets them and also takes them to lunch afterward {30 minutes outside}.  Luckily,  I have a duty-free lunch hour...I'm just not sure how I would cope if I had to eat with my kiddos. Not sure about your lunch rooms but ours is a circus!!!!! When I go down to the lounge to grab my food {heat it up if need be}I usually chat a bit while it's nuking, then stop by the office to grab my mail and chat a bit in there and then go back to my room, shut my lights off and work and eat in the peace and quiet.  I have to go pick my kids up from the cafeteria at 11:45 so that's a full hour to regroup and get ready for the afternoon.  Ahhhhhh.....

Happy Spring Break!!!!!!


  1. That stinks that number 500 disappeared! Who would even do that? Who would leave your wonderful blog?

    They're the fool for leaving!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. What a fool to leave your blog! I'm sure it's a blogger error! At my TpT store, I am waiting to see the 179 followers change to 180. I don't care for the odd number! So, I know how you feel! LOL!

    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. That happened to me too! Not last night, but it's just weird isn't it. You'll be there by the end of the day I bet. I can't help but wonder how are there 4300 followers at Abby's Inspired Apple and 1350 at Kristin's A Teeny Tiny Teacher, but we can't find 100 or 500? Where are these people?!

    First in Maine

  4. Who in the world would unfollow you????? It better be a joke!!!
    Is Kimberley (comment above) mad at me???? I promise I'm not holding any followers hostage.
    I can't believe you get a whole hour for lunch. I am sooooo jealous! Do you ever go out???
    Enjoy your staycation!! That's what I'm on!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  5. Hunger Games is soooo good! It's one of those books that is impossible to put down. Enjoy!

    Kindergarten Hoppenings

  6. Talk about brunch....We eat at 10:00! Just Crazy!! lol
    First Grade Blue SKies

  7. I just got the Hunger Games to read too! Enjoy your day!!! :-)

  8. I am glad you are enjoying Spring Break! I am back at school already! My kids were surprisingly good this week. I think they were still tired from Spring Break. We will see how this week goes! My kids are still looooving writers workshop! Thanks again for your generosity!

  9. Your back up to 500! =)

    If I needed to, I was going to have my cat become a follower!

    You have some cute lunchboxes....I do not even own one.

    Enjoy your deserve it! =)

    Heather's Heart

  10. I am getting close to 250- i thought since I was a little nutty anyway, I would have like a "Help me celebrate 246 followers!!" hee hee
    Thanks for sending some love my way:)

    Going Nutty!

  11. Thanks for linking up:) Lucky you for vaca:) Wow, do you have a lunch bag collection! Love it!! I just finished The Hunger Games this morning. Really good. I am struggling with the kids vs. kids to the death part....not liking that at all. Wow!! You get so much lunchtime!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  12. You know what? I'll join you twice and that will make sure you stay at 500 through the night. What do you say?

    You rock, truly you do...

    Fun in Room 4B

    ps- Love The Hunger Games!

  13. I just became follower number 502! Thought I was following before, but apparently I was wrong! Hunger Games books are fantastic. So glad you have hopped on that bandwagon! I find it odd that the Kindle uses percentages instead of page numbers. Although, when reading a real book, I normally estimate how much I have left! Happy break!


  14. I just noticed that I'm down a follower too... there's a habitual un-follower on the loose in blog land!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

  15. I'm newly obsessed with iced chai tea lattes! My wallet, not so obsessed, since I order them frequently and in the largest size haha

    Third Grade in the First State


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