Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Roses Are Red, Violets are Blue - I've Got Some Poetry Just For You!

Can I have two evenings of conferences, please?  Comin' right up! 

Spring conferences are "as needed" and you've heard me brag about this bunch a few times - so, needless to say, I don't need to conference with too many.  As much as I can't wait for summer vacation - I'm sort of dragging my feet.  You just never know what the next year will bring {Kids under tables, kids slamming doors, kids running away, kids throwing wet toilet paper balls up on the bathroom ceiling...} and this year has brought lots of smiles to my face.

I finished typing up my poems from our poetry collection and thought I'd share them.  Hopefully you find a few you can use now and at the end of the school year.  I have one or two for each month {give or take}.  I put mine on chart paper and put the collection below in a duotang notebook that the kids keep in their personal bookshelves to read during Daily 5. I blogged more about it {here}. 

Black and white cover {in case you're frugal like me} and the whole packet.

Clipart: Scrappin' Doodles, Cre8tive Hands

Front cover only - in case you like it colorful

Hope you can use them!!!!

I put The Hunger Games on my Kindle....you know what I'll be doing over spring break...

...and blogging
.......and drinking coffee
...........and having at least one all day pajama day
................and blogging
..................more coffee
.....................and building a fort or two with the kitchen table chairs
..........................and blogging
...............................and having a Nerf gun battle

Yeah - I've got plans.  BIG plans!


  1. Sounds amazing. I have to wait until mid April for my Spring break, but it'll be the same. Thanks for the poetry!

    First in Maine

  2. Who doesn't just LOVE spring break...T-Minus 3...not that I'm counting or anything.

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. When do you go on Spring Break? I love the poems and I love Poetry Month in April!! Yeah!! I have...8 more days to go before Spring Break! We need to meet up this summer!!
    Love ya girl!
    Teaching First

  4. Thanks for sharing the poems!! I know I am greatly enjoying my spring break.

  5. ha! You sound like me...except mine is, beach, pjs, blog, play in sprinklers, beach, watch Disney movies, make a little (ok, big) unit, beach....lol
    Thanks for the poems! I will definitely be adding it to my repertoire of poems we use!

  6. Fun times for Spring Break!!! I actually left the house today . . . but got back into pj pants as soon as possible! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  7. Love your spring break plans! They sound very stress free!
    Dragonflies in First

  8. Love the plans and the poems!

    This week is my spring break and mostly been in pjs, some exercising, today I actually left the house to go to a meeting and to the store. But I don't think I'm leaving the house the rest of the week unless my bestie from college comes down to visit.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  9. Thanks, Holly!! Spring break sounds amazing!


  10. Your spring break sounds perfect - enjoy!


    Stories from Room 114

  11. Thank you for the poems!
    I am putting something in the mail and the address says:
    Michigan, USA....email me with the rest:)

  12. Oh no! BIG Plans! That makes me nervous! Hehe! Thanks for the great poetry! I of course printed it all off! I am going to save it for our poetry unit. How many more days do you have before Spring Break??

  13. Holly, I LOVE your plans for Spring Break :)

    Thanks for the share!!
    Kindergarten Hoppenings

  14. Thanks for posting the poems. Love the thanksgiving one. We use at least 2-3 poems per week in our classrooms.

    We are your newest follower. Come check out our first grade blog.

    C&C Teach First

  15. Thinking of next year is always a little scary! You never know what the "mixture" will be like!

    Spring Break, pj's and blogging sounds wonderful!

    Thank you for the poems sweet friend! =)

    Heather's Heart

  16. I know you already were awarded with the Top 10 award but I gave it to you too just because YOU ROCK!! Your spring break is ohh so close. Enjoy!!

    Apples and Papers

  17. We have a guest blog post by award-winning poet Helen Frost today and she shares a fun classroom activity called "Poetry Sticks" that you may like to try.

  18. Holly, I love poetry, and your poetry packet is awesome! Thanks for sharing! I especially like d the poem "Sunflakes" :)

    primary practice

  19. Thanks for the poetry packet. Poetry is something new that I'm working on this year. Thanks for sharing. I'm thinking next year I'll have the poetry book for their daily 5 book boxes.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  20. Thanks for the poetry packet. Poetry is something new that I'm working on this year. Thanks for sharing. I'm thinking next year I'll have the poetry book for their daily 5 book boxes.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten


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