Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Know You're a Teacher When... get excited about a trip to the Target Dollar Spot!!!!  Which was a total let down today.  What was I thinking? It was completely picked over.  But I did find a few things for my boys' teachers.  I love giving little "sparkles" here and there to the loves of their lives...yeah, their teachers are goddesses in their little worlds. Mom - I know nothing.  So many times I've said to my boys "I'm a teacher too...I know what I'm talking about...Mrs. _________ isn't the only one who knows how to __________!!!!!!"

But boy do I appreciate all of their hard work and consider my boys to be mighty lucky that they are in their lives and just like I know when one of my first graders accidentally calls me "Mom" it's because they are so comfortable with me {LOVE THAT} I know the same can be said for when my boys call me "Mrs. _________".  {LOVE THAT TOO!}

I've loved reading your "You Know You're a Teacher When"...

Here are some of mine {I could have kept going}...

Not that this has happened to me before, but have you ever been pulled over...for, say...exceeding the speed limit just a wee bit and as the police officer sauntered over you casually swung your teacher ID badge over {or yanked it out from under your winter parka} so he might, ummm, might just see it and for some reason find his soft side and let you off with a warning? I'm not saying that this has ever happened to's all heresay and speculation - but, if you ever were to, say, find yourself in a wee bit of a traffic predicament it may be worth a try. I'll have to remember that one.

Happy Sunday!!!!

ETA: Forgot to tell you to link up with Jeannie over at Kindergarten Lifestyle!!!!

Kindergarten Lifestyle



  1. Great ones!! I skipped the dollar spot this week thinking it will be restocked next week when Valentines is over! My family was shocked that I didn't want to stop!!


  2. HAHA :) I'm not saying that this happened, but it is possible that I may have been pulled over on Halloween (for going a lil too fast, 27 in a 25 is not that fast :) while wearing my Cookie Monster costume from the school parade that day! Talk about embarassing! P.S. My pencil sharpener will be here Monday and I'm sure it will give me goosebumps! I'm so excited! Have a FAB rest of your day :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  3. HA! Criss cross applesauce sounds different out in the real world.

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  4. Perfect!We just had "jammie day" on Friday, so glad I only live a few blocks from my school!! And oh how I wish we had a Target:(

  5. I love the Target Dollar Spot! I hope they get some Dr. Seuss stuff in soon! Ours is completely picked over too! Guess what??? It might snow tonight, like really snow. Not the pretend snow that the weather people talk about. And we are under a winter weather advisory, maybe we will have a snow day!!! :) I just cracked open The Small Moments Unit we will be starting this week and I was just smiling because you were so kind to send them to me! I will be sending you something this weekend, because I got your address off the box! Hehe ;)

    1. Awww, I'm glad they found a good home! You're a sneaky girl...but you know you don't have to do one thing except use those darn books!

      Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  6. ok, i might have to disagree with that last one....on the poin of going into a I did that for our Polar Express day...I had to go into Chick Fil A to get breakfast since the drive through line was so backed up (it was a gift for my team!)...I one will be in there, it's 6:30!! WRONG!! The most beautiful mom of this like middle schooler was in there ...all dressed up and looking pretty...I just turned and looked at her and said "I'm a's pajama" wow - did I feel like trash (if you knew our town, you'd get

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  7. I tried pulling the "teacher card" when I got pulled over. Didn't work for me! I wasn't going that fast either!

    Third Grade in the First State

  8. Love these! Why do errands always seem to fall on pajama day??

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  9. Ha!!!! Love these!!
    And I don't have a teacher badge. How do I get one???? I would like that. Just in case. Not that I ever speed.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  10. These are great!! So true!

    Please feel free to drop by and join my linky party! :)

  11. Holly, you crack me up!!!

    Maybe we should check out Lansing Target's dollar spot!??!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

    1. Awesome idea, I'll treat - 7 people + 1 dollar spot item = 7 bucks and some change...I know, I know - it's mighty generous of me - but that's the kinda person I am! :)

      CANNOT WAIT!!!!!

  12. Which Target did you go to? Because I went to the one on west main on Sunday, too, and it was so bare! I think we must have been at the same one!

    1. Awwww, West Main - we used to frequent the Taco Bell over there back in "the day" {WMU days that is}.

      I live on the east side of the state now...

      Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  13. Just stopping by Holly to wish you Happy Heart Day on Tuesday! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  14. I linked up and shouted our girl! :) Missed ya'

    2nd Grade Paradise

  15. OUT* not OUR....I SHOUTED OUT to

    I am SUCH a loser!

  16. ok...about the target dollar you feel like they just skipped over St. Patrick's day and went straight to Easter??? I stopped by there today and there was nothing green in sight!!!

    Apples and ABC's


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