Friday, August 3, 2012


Ummm, I'm telling - Farley said the "A" word and then she said the "S" word too!!!! We aren't allowed to say those words in my house...not yet anyway.

Just a side note for my newer teacher friends...when a kiddo tells you that their friend said the "f" word...always clarify! Fart tops the list of really bad words in a first grader's life...that and stupid!

August and School are bad words in this two-teacher household!  Nahh, not really.  We love 'em both - we're just not quite ready for them yet.  We still have another month!!!

I'm linking up with Farley today...even though she says really bad words! ;)  Potty mouth!

My B2S {Love the abbreviation - then I don't actually have to say you-know-what }Must Haves...

1.  Personal laminator - I bought mine at Walmart and it was an instant love connection!

2.  Scentos Markers!!!!  I love these things...I bought some for my students, my own boys, and to grade papers with!!!!  They just make me smile...they are so happy looking too!  Click {HERE} to pick up my Spell It, Smell It freebie to use with these fun little guys!

3.  I was going to say coffee {preferrably Starbucks} but that's a given.  My newest addiction {thanks to my uber healthy friend and soon-to-be bloggy buddy Barb} is Coconut Water & Pink Lady apples.  No joke!!!!  I'm going to TRY to snack healthier throughout the day this school year. 

Have you tried it?!? Mmmmmm....
Oh my gosh - these are the most scrumptious apples around...I've been eating two a day...

Farley's waiting for ya!

P.S.  My newest product is available on TpT!
I *love* making this milestone special for my kiddos!
You can click on the picture to head over to TpT.


  1. Oh, my gosh, those Pink Lady apples are the bomb! Found you through Farley's linky!

    Krazy Town

  2. I've never tried coconut water. I do think pink ladies are delish!! I agree with you on the "S" word. I'm so sad August is here.
    The Hive

  3. That tooth fairy packet looks too cute...and I totally get you on the sale! I narrowed my wish list down to 15 so I don't go too crazy (my poor credit card right now!). I do love some pink lady apples, but I have NEVER heard of/tried that coconut water. Will DEFINITELY be checking that out (I hate plain water!). Thanks for the tip:)
    BTW, I go back the enjoy it while it lasts!!:)

  4. I agree with everyone else, Pink Lady apples are my favorite. granny smith has a close second though! Everyone's posting about their laminators! I'm convinced I have to get one. I'll be getting mine from walmart too...probably that same brand! Can't wait :)


  5. Pink Lady? I need to check those out. Have a great few weeks before the 28th!

    Fun in Room 4B

  6. I am obsessed with coconut water right now. In fact I think I should go get some.
    Adventures in Room 5

  7. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog & for your super sweet comments! I'm just jealous you have so much time before *S* starts - wow ! Enjoy your time!

    As for the Pink Ladies,they are the BEST! We go to the Apple Festival every year in North Ga,and buy bushels of them.So tasty ! :) Now, I'm going to have to try coconut water... I'm your newest follower !

    First Grade Fairytales

  8. thanks for the follow & I will return the favor!
    Love the pic of your dog...I'm a sucker for the fur-kids. After reading your "currently," I probably shouldn't tell you that I went to Amy's Ice Cream today :)

    The First Grade Derby

  9. I enjoy pink ladies but LOVE honey crip apples. I just wish that they weren't so expensive and only available for such a short time. My husband used to be OBSESSED with coconut water. Thank goodness they had it at Costco! Your new pack looks adorable!
    Fourth and Ten
    Like Fourth and Ten on Facebook!

  10. A classroom decorator! What an awesome idea :))

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  11. I can't wait to try this coconut water!! Where can you get it??

  12. I am so intrigued by this laminator! Does it work well? Are the rolls expensive? It just seems too good to be true!! Haha! Maybe after you do some laminating, you can post pictures. :)

    Thanks for finding me! I'm following you, too!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  13. Apparently I'm highly un educated in apples. I've never heard of pink lady apples of I would have bought one just for the name! Love that laminator and have one too. Mine is about to go into hyper drive this week!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  14. Coconut water {it tastes like coconut?) and pink lady apples? Where do you find those? I def have to try both!


    primary practice

  15. Hi found you on Farley's Currently blog hop. I've never heard of Scentos, but I'm always looking for new marking pens. Love smelly markers!!! I'm a newbie blogger and would love it if you'd hop on over and check out my blog.
    Your newest follower,


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