Friday, August 24, 2012

Classroom Setup {Finally} Pictures Galore!

hi -
That 'h' is lowercase for a reason - I'm too tired to go back and fix it.  I don't even have kids to teach yet.  I'm still setting up.  Problem is I'm on hyperspeed.  Usually the day I turn my calendar to August, I pack up my car with the inevitable craziness I've collected throughout the summer months...

...and work at my leisure.  A little here, and little there.  Not this year.  They were working on the plumbing, waxing the floors...the whole shebang.  I must say, our custodial staff banged it out and spiffed it up - but c'mon, you know us teacher-folk can't wait until THREE days before we actually HAVE to be at school to start setting up our classrooms.  It was a crazy sitch - oh my.  You should have seen the texts flying when we got word that we could get into our classrooms at 3:30 on Wednesday afternoon...

I was one happy teacher...

And a timely one too...

But then I walked {with stocking feet, carefully, not to ruin the still tacky just waxed floors} into this...

And walked in circles.  Literally.  Such grandiose plans...but on a time crunch.  I realize there are some of you who were hired on a Friday and had to report to work on a Monday.  Kid you not - I don't think my uptight ways could manage that. 

My first plan was to get my furniture where it needed to go with minimal dragging {don't want to ruin that pretty wax job}. That was pretty tough and I learned that I'm not so good at maneuvering anything on a dolly. 

A friend of mine whose classroom was pretty much all spiffed up sent me a text asking how I was coming along.  This is what I sent her...

Got my furniture situated and called it a day.  I had my first back to school dream that night.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed....Day 2

I did finally find my groove and thought I'd give you a sneak peak.  I forgot my camera so I took a few snapshots with my phone.

My cute little table numbers...

From my door...

My word wall letters. Thanks Katie from Queen of the First Grade Jungle!!! I ended using mine differently, I'll show you that later.

Star of the Week

We'll put our self portraits around our pledge the first week of school...

Trying to decide who our first Author Study will be - any ideas?

From my Cutesy-Up Your Classroom pack {Here}

Taking the weekend "off" {lots of laminating, cutting & name writing to take care of} and will head back in on Monday.  Teachers official first day back is Tuesday.  I can do this...right?!?!

Happy weekend to my friends already teaching!!!!


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog! Love your classroom! It looks great. Can't believe the time has come for us to be back in the classroom!


  2. Wow! Your classroom looks great!! I like how you displayed your class pledge!

  3. I'm with you! We usually get a full week and a half and this year they go "oh you can have Thursday"...cue panicking!!

    Thankfully our custodian took mercy on me and let me in early or I would never have gotten done!

  4. All I can say is, you put me to shame. I've been in my room since Tuesday, and it doesn't look nearly as put together as yours is!

    I love it!


    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  5. Your room looks great. Love the table signs! Possible Authors~Kevin Henkes or Mo Willems

  6. Your room looks great! Amazing what we can do in a short amount of time...

    A Pirates Life for Us

  7. Hey, You look ready! Great job! We only get two days before school starts so much of the work is completed after the students arrive. Just finished our 3rd week back! Don't even know if we'll get paid this month. No contract.
    Teaching for free in California.


  8. Wow you sure work fast. Your room looks great so far.

    theverybusykindergarten :)

  9. I'm so with you on the exhaustion front. Setting up a classroom in a couple days is so tiring. I love what you've done. It looks great!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  10. You can do it! It already looks great now!

  11. YOU CAN DO IT!! It looks great so far :) Can't wait to see the finished pictures!

    ♥ Kimberly
    The Learning Tree

  12. Looks great! I cannot imagine having to get my room done that fast..OH wait! Yes I can! Last year
    my room didn't get painted until um....4 days before open house! Eeek! Most years our janitors have it waxed and ready to go the 2nd week of summer! :)

    Kindergarten Korner

  13. Can't wait to hear how you use those word wall letters!!
    Your room looks fab!

  14. Room looks great! Where did you get the word wall letters?

  15. I just found your blog while I was looking at first grade classrooms online. I love your word wall letters. Please!!!!!!!! tell me how I can get them. :)


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