Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to School Product Premier Blog Hop

I'm being forced to say it, it's really super hard for me to do this - but friends, it quite possibly might be back to school time.  I'm pretty sure it is because I've caught wind of a big sale coming up at Teachers Pay Teachers where many stores will be offering up to 28 percent off!!!  It's time to fill up those carts people.  Don't hold back - you know you need some new goodies to start the new school year off right!

I am so excited about the blog hop that Christina Bainbridge is hosting because you get to check out a ton of what many TpT sellers consider to be their hot ticket items!  How cool is that?  Just hop around, check things out, and load up that cart! {I may need to double-cart this know push one, and pull one from behind}

I pretty much hate tooting my own horn, so much so, that very few people in my "real life" even know about this blog.  I have no idea why that's just this "thing" {or "ting" as my husband's Polish family would say} I have.  I'm very happy sharing my ideas "under the radar"...


I'm also really happy to share one of "must have" products.  Well, at least I must have it, that's why I made it.  Anything that I make and put in my store, I use myself because I need it.  So I figure if I need it you probably do too!!!  See, no tooting at all...just speaking out of necessity here!

Here's the product I'm talking about...

Click the picture to head on over to my store!

Every year I say I'm going to start off super organized so hopefully I'll STAY organized. Part of what helps me stay organized is helping my students put and keep things where they belong "Every object has a home in our classroom".  We have a folder for just about everything in our room and I find if I make them each different in their own way I hear "Which one is my writing folder?!?!" less {I'm not making promises that it won't be heard a few times throughout the year...even, say, in January!!!}.

I thought I'd pull out a few of the pages from this pack to show you exactly what you'll be getting if you decide to put it in that cart of yours!

Whether you do centers or workbook pages - it's nice to have a place to put
 math work you're still working on.

Give your students a place to respond to literature - I glue mine to the front
of a spiral bound notebook

I use the poly folders for durability - put label on front.  Also included in the pack
are "return to school" & "keep at home" labels.

Uses for these colorful numbers are endless!!!!

I use the done/working on labels for my math folders as well as our writing folders.
 Print on 1" x 2 5/8" self adhesive labels.  Pack also includes "Done" labels.

I really hope you will find this product useful and it enables you to check one more thing of your seemingly endless to-do list!!! 

Thanks to Christina over at Bunting, Books and Bainbridge for hosting this Blog Hop!


  1. I have a hard time tooting my own horn too. People at school know that I blog but I don't like to promote myself with my TPT items very much. But I figure we have to. I've sold several of my Letter Detective and i think I have to you think for your promotion. So thanks!
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  2. ummm what?! School starting definitely crept up on us all! eesh! Who doesn't need a little more organization in their life?! Cute packet!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  3. We still have a few weeks... we still have a few weeks... we still have a few weeks!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

  4. Hey! I'm having a Linky Party on my blog for the TPT sale. You should pop on over and add your shop link to spread the word about your sale!

    The Lower Elementary Cottage

  5. Thanks for all the information! I will have to go check out the linky party!! I can't believe it is time for school already! I have kids on Wednesday! I think it is just a week too soon!


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