Monday, July 2, 2012

Currently July & A Freebie!

I don't know which makes me happier.  The Bachelorette is meeting the families tonight or Farley's July Currently?  What's even better?  Reading everybody's Currently WHILE watching the Bachelorette.  Them's my big plans tonight people.  Doesn't get much better than that!

I'm admittedly a very nosy person. I mean, I don't weedle my way into your life and make you all uncomfortable or anything - but I do like to know what's what.  My husband often refers to me as "Agnes" or "Mrs. Kravitz".... It can't be's who I am.  I may or may not have been known to unwrap Christmas gifts just a smidge to see what I was getting...probably never happened {more than once or twice} and NEVER{okay, rarely} happens now that I'm all growed up.

So, tonight is going to be crazy awesome.  I get to hop around to your blogs and read what you're up to AND go on dates with Emily!!!!!!  Sweeeeet!

But for me, right this very instant...

I love all the Stinky Face books!  I can read them again and again both to my school children and my own. The main character reminds me of my own little guy...always full of questions.  I read this one at the start of the school year.

My go-to professional book has really withstood the test of time. I love the ideas today as much as I did when the book first came to print!

Today, I realized that I needed to keep a to-do list on the side of my bed.  Last night so many awesome ideas popped into my brain right before I fell asleep.  You can download it if you find yourself unable to turn off your brain too! Lists for your classroom, TpT, blog, etc.

Click to grab your own!
Have a great Monday and if want to find out what others are up to, or link up, head on over to Farley's blog!


  1. A scavenger hunt on your birthday. How fun! Good luck on running. :-)

  2. I love your {wanting}..that's so sweet! :) I'm a new follower thanks to Farley & I hope you'll come follow me too! I'm actually having a giveaway for my readers right now so it's a good time to join up! ;) And thank you for the FREEBIE!!

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  3. thanks so much for linking up.. I can't believe I am comparable to reality TV...wowzers... you made me LOL!!!
    I want to start running too... well actually i just need to start walking...LOL

  4. Aww my dog can not sleep without dreaming <3

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  5. How funny! I've never had a dog, but I imagine they must dream just like we do! :)
    I wanted to let you and your readers know about a giveaway I'm hosting on my blog. It's for educational printables from Little Learning Lovies. You can enter in lots of ways. I hope to see you there!

  6. I was just lucky enough to spend two WONDERFUL days with Debbie Miller. I have not read her books but they are on my Amazon list now.

  7. We're the same. So happy for Currently reading AND the hometown dates!! :)
    And I told my hubs all about your friend's hub and the whole scavenger hunt. He thought it was pretty cool. I'm hoping I planted a seed!!!! :) :) :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  8. LOL I love it when the goldendoodle dreams. He whimpers and whnes and his feet always move like he's chasing something. I would give a ton of money to know his dreams and to hear what is going through his mind when he's giving us his very distinct looks!

    Your newest follower,
    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  9. I also have the same evening agenda! It's about to start [where I am, anyway!]

    Third Grade in the First State

  10. Hey Holly, I love the list--thank you so much!!!! You cracked me up with your Listening! :)

  11. I love your Linky List! I always try to remember too that no matter how frustrating a child (or adult) can be, that everyone is fighting some kind of battle. :) Have a wonderful July!

  12. That scavenger hunt is a cool idea.
    Your "wanting" is very sweet.
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  13. I've never heard of Stinky Face books! I'll have to check them out.

    Once you get (back into?) the habit of running, you'll LOVE it! I'm rooting for you :)

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  14. Thanks for following me! I'm your newest follower now! :)

  15. I am a to-do lister person too!

    Just passing along the One Lovely Blog award to you. Hop on over to our blog to grab it!

    C&C Teach First


  16. Wow that scavenger hunt sounds like fun! I haven't read any Stinky Face books, I'll have to check them out!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  17. Stinky Face is one of my favs! I enjoyed reading your blog!

    Doodle’s Daily Domain

  18. I love reading all the Currently's :) And Deb Miller is a favorite of mine! Thanks for the to-do lists!

  19. A scavenger hunt...what a great idea! My Hubby's bday is this Tuesday and I'm totally using it! Fun currentlys!



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