Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy x's Three!

Well Hello!!!!!!

I am so happy today!!!!!  Another school year under my belt.  I've bragged about this class more than a few times.  So many sweeties in the bunch.  I may have shed a tear or two throughout the morning.  I may have pulled out the gluesticks and the yarn after staying up "waaaaaayyyyyy past my bedtime" scheming - just trying to find a way to keep this group one. more. year!  As much as a teacher might love his or her crew...slow mornings, coffee on the deck and going to the bathroom...whenever...trumps a longer school year!!!

And happy birthday to Mrs. Bainbridge's blog! Christina has been gracing blogland with her great ideas, awesome freebies and super cool products for one whole year!  I don't know if I ever shared with Christina that it was her class website and her blog that inspired {and *still* inspire} me in so many ways...she's one of the reasons I chose to blog!  Click on over to her blog to enter her HUGE bloggy birthday bash giveaway that I get to be a part of! 

If you're like me, you bring more treasures into your classroom each year...this past year I definitely increased the 'ol inventory.  That was reeeeeal evident when I tried packing it all up.  Yeah, so I'll be spending some time in my room tomorrow trying to find a nook or a cranny that don't already have a bin or something or other stored. I'm all for making it easier on the cleaning crew to do their job - but this girl can't work miracles! 

Thanks for all the votes of confidence...I did make it through!!!!!!

Happy Summer!!!!!


  1. Thanks for your sweet words! I am lucky to count a Michigan gal like you as part of my bloggy circle of friends!

    Congrats on wrapping up the year! Bring on the summer!


  2. Yay to summer! It is hard letting go of a sweet class, I had to do that this year too. Best one in 10 years...Focus on the positive- bathroom whenever you want, lunch as slow as you want, and no reminding anyone to raise their hand for a few months! Enjoy it!
    :) Dana
    Stop by & visit me @ Fun in 1st Grade

  3. You made it!
    Whew- That's a three week difference between Mi and Tn...
    When do you go back?

    It is hard to say goodbye to THAT class
    but be happy that YOU are probably the reason they are THAT way:)

    ☞Go NuTTY with ME!

  4. Thank you for visitng my new blog - Country Heights Leader in Me. I hope that during the next school year you will find things you can use. This is my 14th year teaching and I've never been so excited about implementing something untl this. I would definitley recomment it for any school.... BTW - I love love love your blog.

  5. Happy Summer to you!! I don't think we ever stop collecting inventory, comes with the territory :)

    ❤- Stephanie
    Falling Into First


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