Sunday, May 20, 2012

Luna Projector Winner!!!!!!


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  For those already on summer vacation - you can just color me jealous right this very minute.  When I think about everything I still have to do...I get the hives all over.  Oy!

I really wish each and every one of our classrooms had document cameras, projectors and smart boards.  Why not add to it a class set of iPods and iPads?  Wouldn't that be heavenly?  One can dream...

Okay, I'll get on with the show...

Congrats BLong - I'll be getting into contact with you soon to work out the details with Learning Resources!!!!


  1. Oh wow!!!! I'm so excited!!! Thanks a lot. My kids will be so excited too.

  2. Awesome! Congrats!

  3. I have given your blog the One Lovely Blog Award! Check out my blog for details!
    :) Dana
    Fun in First Grade

  4. Darn! I am so writing a grant for one of these babies!! That is my 4th try to win one:) Oh, well...Congrats, Blong!! I'm positive you will love it!

  5. Awe man!! I will be on summer vacation in 2 1/2 days!! Woohoo! I am totally excited! How many more days do you have??

  6. Rats! I missed it! Thanks for visiting my blog :) Some of the things I put in the balloons were: extra recess, paint day, go on a treasure hunt, animal visitor, have a lesson outside, recess with the teacher, readathon, movie, etc. Hope that helps! PS - I love your blog design and layout. Very cute and clever.

    Tangled with Teaching

  7. I've been so busy. I didn't win :( BUT I jut wanted you to know that I've been missing you. I need to stalk you some more. I'm getting a new pencil sharpener! I'll write about it when I get it.

    First in Maine


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