Saturday, May 5, 2012

Currently and a Giveaway

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for her May Currently.  May. May? MAY!?!?  This is a thrilling time of year for most teachers.  We can almost taste the lazy days of summer. {Slow mornings?  Yes, please} But it leaves me feeling so frantic and melancholy too.  I've never been a countdown girl. Puts too much stress on the 'ol ticker.  Makes me way more spazzy than I already am.  I still have teaching to do. I've molded this class to "perfection", and taking down my room sends shivers up my spine. 

I switched schools last year and my classroom has VERY LITTLE storage space.  Like, three small cabinets and that's it.  My old classroom had more storage than a happy teacher knew what to do with.  What does classroom tear down look like for you?  We don't really have any hardfast rules for what we must do.  Some teachers leave up most of their bulletin boards and just cover them for the summer, others, like me, tear it down to bare bones so they have a fresh palate for the following school year. 

I take it all down, I put it all away...{Away where? Is the question!} I love to mix it all up the next school year {Which I LOVE!}.  With that, and the end of the year hullabaloo, I stress. I stress big time.  So, instead of counting down the days to that craziness...I just pretend it's January.  Strange. I know.

I take it one day at a time...and currently...

I thought you might want to know how long you have to enter my Easi-Speak Giveaway  - May 10th will be the big day.  I'll announce the winner of this awesome little gadget after my boys' bedtime...say 9:00ish {EST}, on May 10th...that's 5 days away.  Get to gettin'!

It's REALLY cool!
Happy Weekend, Friends!


  1. I feel the pain of no storage! I have zip, zero, nada!!!! I store things in tubs under my poor kiddos have no room for their feet but we must all suffer the pain of this situation to learn, right??!!???

    We have to take down and pack up most of our stuff because they clean our carpet. They move everything to one side of the room and stack things on top of each other all of the way to the ceiling...I am growling grrrrrrr just thinking about it and how they think my short self can get it down by myself!!! If we don't pack up, it gets broken or destroyed because they don't care...they just stack!!!

    I love your platform about listening. That is so true and many people have not learned how to do that.

    Hugs to you sweet friend.

    Heather's Heart

  2. I need a cleaning lady, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We don't have any hard fast rules, either. Some teachers switch over all of their bulletin boards now (fresh paper) for Open House and then leave them up. I'm with you. I tear it all down and start over. We have great storage so I can't complain. I CAN complain that they do not let us back in the school until the week before school begins.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love your platform!! I think I should forward it to one of my colleagues!! Such a mess is all I have to say. Happy Saturday!!

  5. I hear you on the haircut, I think I get mine cut twice a year!! We have to pack up our items too, but I tend to leave up my bulletin boards so I have at least something ready to go when I get back. This year we can't go back until the week before school starts!! When you get that house cleaner, please send them my way!

    Surfin' Through Second

  6. Go short! You could always just do the clip in chunks of hair color! No commitment
    Rowdy in First Grade

  7. I LOVE your platform. Not many people are good listeners.
    Good luck with the tear down!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  8. Our building houses a summer lunch program as well as a few weeks of Vacation Bible School so we have to take EVERYTHING down/home. If it's not to walk off during the summer it needs to be out of the building! I only have 1 closet that can be locked and that's full of my Title I stuff, so everything else gets boxed up and stored in the garage - which my husband does not appreciate lol! We also got a new edition this year and I'm not sure if I'm getting one of the new rooms or not, it depends on which grade I teach next year. So I could have to move everything, including Title I stuff to a new room before the end of the year! Ugh! I really don't like May lol! I agree, let's pretend it's January!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  9. I moved to a portable this year and only have one cabinet in place of the huge walk in closet I had... I have piles everywhere now:( Hoping to be in a classroom again next year!

    I took my commoent off yesterday because I am trying to figure out how to link my new blog to my google account before posting...

    Thanks for inspiring:)

  10. Awesome platform!

    I always tear it all down and then rush to get it done when they let us into our classrooms in August. This year I think I might go ahead and do the August/September bulletin boards so they are good to go.
    Dragonflies in First


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