Sunday, May 13, 2012

Alphabet Songs....Oh Momma....

Let's face it - we're all Momma's {Us bloggers of the girlie variety - I think I may have a couple of Daddy's who follow...your day will come} being in the profession that we are.  How many of you refer to your students as "My kiddos" care about them, you love them and you want the best for them.  So Happy Momma's Day to each and every one of us!!!!

My own hubby knows how to make this day such a special one for me.  I thank my lucky stars for that guy.  He is in complete charge for the day and I don't have to lift a finger. He's even cleaning the house from top to bottom and packing the boys' lunches.  I'm in heaven.

What to do with this lazy time?

I happened upon this freebie over at Have Fun Teaching. Have you ever used any of the Alphabet Songs from Have Fun Teaching?  I've used a few of them, projected on the big screen, at the beginning of the year.  They make for a GREAT review!!!  The kids absolutely ADORE them and they help burn off some of that beginning-of-the-year-we-still-want-to-play-first-grade-energy!!!!! 

Come see what I mean...

Get this - if you blog about this awesome resource and follow the simple steps of the contest rules they will email you the complete set of alphabet song videos for FREE {Regularly 27 dollars - for my  friends without a blog, you can check out the website and download the complete set at a discounted price of 20 dollars}.  This awesome giveaway ends on May 31st!!!

Now what to do with the rest of my day?  It's going too fast, that I do know.  We're going to eat at Mongolian BBQ for dinny tonight.  It was a toss up between that and PF Changs - you know how I love my Changs.  Mongolian won out this time.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it! 



  1. Thank you for your awesome blog post! Check out all of the Alphabet Videos by Have Fun Teaching! Your kids will have SO MUCH FUN learning the Alphabet and Phonics!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I have posted on my blog about it and gave you a shout out since I read about it here. Looking forward to using the songs:)


  3. This sounds great!! Thanks for sharing Holly! I hope you have a great mother's day!!

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you, Holly!!

    Thanks for the heads up on those alphabet songs - they would be great for my kids!


  5. Thanks for letting us knowabout the ABC songs!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  6. Holly,
    I tried to vote for you, but I don't get how to do it. I clicked on the one can that says vote for me, but then what?
    2nd In

    1. You know what, Patty? I haven't a clue. No worries though. I'll still eat!

      Thanks for thinking of me! :)

  7. Thanks for sharing! Going to have to do this because my kiddos love those songs too! By the way, I have a little giveaway going on over at my blog, please come check it out!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten


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