Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wayyyyy Overwhelmed

Hi Everybody,

Wow is about all I can muster at the moment.  Wow.  My oldest was sick for a couple of days and being the nice boy that he is - he shared his germs with Momma and Daddy... {Which, after telling this story to my first graders, this morning one of them reminded me of this book}...

Click on the picture to listen to Robert Munsch read this book - SOOOO funny!

My guest teacher on Monday was so sweet but didn't quite do the job that was left for her to do and then they weren't able to get a sub until just before lunch for me yesterday{when I stayed home with the MAJOR sickies}....only a fellow teacher can know what that meant for me walking in the doors today. 

Evaluation that was supposed to be yesterday has now been rescheduled for tomorrow...AFTER an assembly, and NOT at the usual time we typically do it which will throw them off.  Combine that with the unusually warm Michigan weather...well,  I don't have a cotton pickin' clue what I'm going to get tomorrow.

Okay, so the long and short of it - I'll be annoucing the winners for my giveaway tomorrow instead of today as planned.  We have a charity basketball game that we're going to tonight {That I completely forgot report cards for me tonight}...

So consider it another day to, ummm, to - uh, enter my giveaway if you haven't already or maybe blog about it, or cross your fingers, or think happy thoughts for yourself about being a winner, or just a time to leave me a comment about anything....

Click Here to Enter
Honestly, this isn't a feeble attempt at getting more followers, or more entries, or anything like that. Just me being waaayyyyyyy overwhelmed!


  1. Ugh. Wow. That's a lot. I am just praying that I'm you and will have your giveaway luck.

    First in Maine

  2. I hope you do well tomorrow! Spring Jitters...gotta love em'!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  3. Good luck with everything! I hate being out and drag myself in more times than not (even though I would be better off staying at home!). Hopefully your admin will be understanding...and at least it's not a full moon! LOL

    :) Chrissy
    Adventures in Second Grade

  4. Your kids will be great for your observation tomorrow...they always seem to pull through when you need them too. Good luck and glad you are feeling better.
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  5. Ugh, I hate days like that! Here's hoping your observation goes really well tomorrow. I always tell the kids that the principal is coming to observe our classroom, so they think it's not just me, but them too.

    I'm crossing my fingers for your amazing giveaway!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  6. Man....days can be like that and it totally throws everything off.

    Here's to a great day tomorrow (I'm raising a glass to you)!


    Fun in Room 4B

  7. Everything will go fantabulous tomorrow! no stress! you need to get all the way better!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  8. It sounds like you need a serious vacation. Get some rest! You will do an amazing job tomorrow. We love you, girl!

    Take care!
    A Year of Many Firsts

  9. NO FUN!!!!
    I hate that your eval got rescheduled and for a time you don't prefer!!!! NOT NICE!!
    Keep us posted -- you will rock!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  10. You will be awesome...and there is always bribery! =)

    I know how you feel though because I still get nervous and it always seems to be the time my kiddos decide to go bonkers.

    Bloggy blessings sweet friend!

    Heather's Heart

  11. Man, oh man! Do I ever know what your are feeling! I love your blog and will be back this weekend to investigate more!
    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to bop over my way as well.
    Hang in there, it's almost Friday : )
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  12. I hope it gets better! I hope they are all feeling better- How nice that you taught him to share like that!

    Going Nutty!

  13. Totally know how those days fell... not good! Good luck on your evaluation! I'm sure your kiddos are happy to have you back!

    Lessons with Laughter

  14. Oh, and I am a new follower!! Found your blog from Let's Teach Something! :)

  15. sweet Holly- Good luck on your observation- you totally deserve it after being so overwhelmed! You will ROCK- I'm sure of it!
    Do you have spring break to look forward to soon?

    Let's Teach Something

  16. I hope all went well today sweet Holly! Tomorrow is Friday and maybe you can have some fun and deserve it!

    Heather's Heart

  17. Just wanted to say "Hey!" and let you know we are your newest follower. We love the book "We Share Everything" by Robert Munch...actually anything by him. He's so funny! Kids love him in the listening center.

    C&C Teach First


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