Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Monday and all That Jazz...

They're back....

I haven't had one of these in YEARS!  Drove up to the window, ordered it and what do you know they add whipped cream and a cherry to boot! Oh, no - no - no. I'm a purist.  Kid at the window didn't know that and he gladly remade it.  I really don't think he spit in it. I would have been able to see that right? Cuz I checked.  

Do you wanna know why I haven't been blogging? My mind is a whirlwind.  I just can't hunker down and focus in on any one thing.  Soooo, I need to give Farley a big 'ol hug to thank her for my "Get Out of Jail" card {Love this linky party}...because I'm pretty sure I belong in Blogger Jail.  I'll pull it together one day soon.. until then...

Good thing I re-read that before moving on to The Bachelor {Women Tell FAVE!}.  The Poop.  To start this school year I walked into my empty room and found one lonely little creature sitting on a table.

I might have pulled a few pranks last year which just might have prompted a few people on staff to feel the need to have somebody or something keep a watchful eye on me.  By, my gosh, watching our janitor turn his vacuum cleaner upside down and pull out his screwdriver cracked me up to tears {Plug, unplug, plug, unplug} or the infamous POOP.  Honestly, I wasn't the one who started the whole poop thing.  One day it just ended up in my classroom and I never was able to find its owner.  Now, Mr. Plastic Poop drops in at various times and crazy places - of course when you least expect it.  {No worries - it's never when the kids are around!!!!!}  Mr. Poop has seen better days though - when I planted it under a desk I asked our custodian to fix he mistook it for a dirty pickle.

Laughter is good for the soul!

Go find yourself a good laugh - infuse it in your teaching, your home anywhere you can in your life.  A giggle does a body good!



  1. Lol @ the poop.

    I have a joke like that with my friends, but it involves a very creepy looking white fluffy stuffed dog. It appears anywhere and everywhere!

    It's kind of creepy when it's all of sudden RIGHT there lol.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. So funny!! I know some teachers that would TOTALLY FREAK out about that! But your right a little laughter always makes me feel better :) Glad your back today I was getting a little worried!!

  3. YUM! I want one!!! Will have to find me one! :)
    Love the Poop! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  4. Yeah! I am glad you are back...and I think I am going to start leaving dirty pickles in other teacher's rooms!!

    Going Nutty!

  5. Oooohhhh poop!!! So funny!
    And I just found out that one of my kiddos won't poop in the toilet. He will only poop in a diaper. This is a true story. POOP.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  6. I hear you on the can't get it together thing. i have been so tired lately. I love the idea of Farley's "get out jail free card", that's how I feel about it too. :)

    First in Maine

  7. Yum! The shamrock shake looks SO delicious!

    Grade ONEderful

  8. Congrats on the weight loss! I am working on that, too, and am down 14 pounds since mid-January...whoo-hoo! But that shake does look good....


  9. Hey dear- I gave you an award on my blog :) Come check it out!

    Let's Teach Something

  10. Happy Monday? Is there such a thing?

    Hooray for the 12 lbs! I lost 60 last year on Weight Watchers but haven't lost since the new year (except the 5 lbs. I gained at Chrismtas... that I did lose!)... so keep it up!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

  11. I missed you...just wanted you to know. :)

    What do these shakes taste like? Minty vanilla goodness I hope?

    2nd Grade Paradise

  12. I have been stalking you and waiting for your next post so I could have a laugh!

    I guess the Desk Fairy could always leave a poopy present! Or I might need to pull out the poop when I don't like what someone says! =)

    My "w" word for you is witty...and wonderful! =)

    Heather's Heart

  13. I don't feel so guilty now. I get so busy, I forget to post sometimes and visit other great blogs! My Google Reader is topped out at 1000...YIKES!


  14. We have an 80's bathing suit that likes to make it's way around.

    Can I just tell you that one day (oh February 26th or so) they told us that Shamrock Shakes were over....because they are limited time! Yeah? Until ST. PATRICK'S DAY! and the sign was right outside!

    I almost kissed the guy that that delivered ours when they finally had them. I am a serious Shamrock Shake fan. =)

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  15. You are too funny! I love laughing! If you aren't having a good time while you are teaching then you might need to consider a change. I hope you have a super duper Friday! Do you have spring break next week? I don't! We still have one more week. :(


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