Friday, February 24, 2012

What Time is it? It's Friday Freebie Time!

Hidy Ho!

I cannot believe it is Friday already.  This break has gone by faster than any other. I tried dragging my feet, but it didn't work.  We were supposed to get a whole slew of snow and hubbers was hoping for a snow day - but it didn't happen so off to work he went.  I have a house of crazy boys - I decided to end the week with a bang and let both boys have friends over.  Oy...

How else should a person spend their last day, but organizing their computer files?? Oh my goodness - they are a MESS.  Does anybody have tips or trick to organizing them?  I have a Dropbox account but was just notified that it's close to full...I have a flash drive but it never seems to be where I need it.  I need it at school and I left it at home.  I need it at home and it's at school.  One file is on my hard drive at work, but not on my flash drive, or it's on one flash drive and not on the one I have with me...please tell me I'm not the only one with these woes?!? 

So, in my cleaning frenzy I came across these and thought you might be able to use them.  I actually don't have them up in my own classroom because I've been too afraid to climb that high to put them up...I'm not like my partner who I've caught hanging things by standing on a chair that she placed ON TOP of the desks!!!! Good gracious.

So here's my Friday Freebie...

Edited to give credit to The 3 AM Teacher for the cute clock clipart! Go check her out if you haven't already - she's one talented teacher/artist!

You might not need it now - but save it in your probably organized files and use it next year.  Just be sure to let me know if you grabbed it AND tell me either: {A.} Your files are a mess too or {B.} You're an organizing diva and leave some tips!!!!

Thanks bunches - happy Friday friends!



  1. The clock is maybe from The 3 AM Teacher?

    The whole thing is CUTE! I like polka dots :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

    1. That's what I thought - but I looked all over her blog and couldn't find it anywhere!!!!

      Thanks :)

    2. Ha! I just looked too. I see I have it downloaded and that's the the only place I can think I downloaded it from. Hmmm :)

  2. Happy Friday my friend :) Thanks for the fab freebie! My files are a mess...hehe :) But, I'm working on them. Hope you enjoyed your break and I'm soooo glad we didn't get all the snow they predicted! Enjoy your last days of freedom :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  3. Miss T is right I think ;)
    My files are a hot mess on my computer!!! I really need to organize them!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  4. I have been on school vacation and have spent the whole week cleaning my computer files and trying to clean out my flash drives too!! It is never ending!!!!!!!! I love the clock freebie...I need to get someone to climb up for me! Melissa

  5. Yep it's from her, I found it!

    My computer is a mess too. I've been good downloaded my freebies and units onto a flash drive, but I'm falling behind again!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

    1. Thank you!!!! I just changed it! Gotta give credit where credit's due...and she's so awesome, I would love for other people to check her out! :)

  6. Thanks for the cute freebie! This week went MUCH too fast!
    Finally in First

  7. My computer files are a mess. I was organizing my itunes and my iphoto today. Then I suddenly decided to download Picasa and suddenly I was messing around creating a slideshow and not organizing my files. Ugh. This week has gone lightning fast for me too.

    First in Maine

  8. Hi! This is soo cute! I just grabbed a copy. I keep my files in a folder of things to print and then when I have them printed out, I delete them so the folder doesn't get too full. I still have a flash drive that I take with me to and from school. I know you said that's a hassle and I agree but when I'm done with it at home, I always throw it in my purse so I don't forget it. Hope that helps! Have a good weekend!


  9. Very cute! My files are in such a mess! I have the same problem with the flash drive....never where I need it!
    Ms. McBee’s Kinderbugs

  10. oh girl, you KNOW I'm an organized diva!!'s pretty bad actually - files within files...within files!

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

    1. oh...p.s...I hung up my clock numbers while I was preggo...ahha! don't worry, my teammates yelled at me! :P

    2. Oh my gosh - I grew nerves of steel when I was pregnant. I did so many things that I shouldn't. I put wall paper stencils up around the top of the nursery because I got tired of waiting for my hubby. A ladder and a pregnant woman is not a good mix. I'm glad your teamies yelled at you!!!! HA! {Although when people yelled at me I just said "oh I'm okay" and didn't listen}

  11. Thanks for the cute clocks! My files are SUCH a mess...


  12. I'm right there with you on organization of files. I began the chore this summer and never did finish. It's better than it was but total organization is on my "To Do" list.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  13. Thank you for the super cute clocks. :) Definitely added to my pile of mess...I mean my stack of wonderful ideas I am stocking up on and need to sort and file. Won't take too long I should think?

    Apples and Papers

  14. I have some of those round clock numbers on my clock...and made my hubby come in and hang them for me. I am deathly afraid of heights and there is no way I was getting up there. Our fab custodian brought a ladder for him to use and he hung them so I wouldn't have to. I ♥ him!!

    I actually sort my computer files in the only takes me about a week since I have nothing else to do! I don't even attempt it during the year. My district has a new program called "Net Storage" and we can access anything saved in our personal drive at work from any computer. It is fabulous. It's kind of like Dropbox but bigger and it doesn't automatically sync (which is fine with me because I'd rather they NOT have some of my personal files like my pictures and whatnot!).

  15. I just read your question and was going to respond...then I realized that you answered it...hehehe...I am glad I read the other comment before I answered!! Thank you sooo much...The clock is so cute in the freebie..You are awesome for sharing your creativity...Love it..

    I am now also in love with a new word..."Holy Crisscross" LOL!

    The 3AM Teacher

  16. The clock numbers are so cute. I'm semi organized. I have three 8GB jump drives that stay in a zipped up make up case tucked in my teacher bag. That way they are with me all of the time. Each one has a label; blogs, word families from Cherry Carl and MSB(Magic School Bus). The blog jump drive needs work. Trying to organize it by month rather than alphabetical order.

  17. I have 5 jumpdrives of various sizes that are all carabeanered {looks like a Dr. Seuss word} together with a donkey Pez dispensor. It is like my security blanket that goes with me back & forth from home to school to home. I have so many files that I have folders for my folders for my folders.
    Thanks for sharing what you do.......I love to read your blog!

  18. MY files are perfect, duh.

    haha, kind of.

    I climbed up on counters this summer to hang mine up!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  19. Love the clock graphics. I have some of these on my clock but they are old so I think I might replace them with your awesome ones. I have a portable hard drive that I use and try to organize my files with either subject area or month or season. As I'm typing this I see that it isn't really organized at all. Maybe that will be a task for another day. I was reading the comments and there are some inspiring organized people out there. Maybe I'll take some of their ideas. Good luck.

  20. So cute!

    I have been using folders in my email inbox to help *some* with the massive amount of printables I have but was recently told I had one of the largest inboxes in the district (oops!!!) and needed to clean it out! To defend myself, I did have ALL of the emails my principal had sent for the past several years.

    If you think your week off went by too quickly, just count your blessings because I went ALL week! =)

    Love you sweet friend! You and your blog are such sweet blessings in my life!

    Heather's Heart

  21. Hi Holly! Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway!

    I'm your newest follower :)

    Teachery Tidbits

  22. Thanks for the freebie, so cute! Well, I try to be organized. I do try. Doesn't that count for something?

    Stepping Into First Grade

  23. Thanks for the clock additions. Great idea!

    Grade ONEderful

  24. I love the clock graphics...super cute! Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower!


  25. I am so glad you stopped by my blog so that I could find yours. Love it!

    I switched to Carbonite for my files this summer. It isn't free like dropbox, but has unlimited storage and syncs automatically. It allows me to access my home computer from school or my phone. As a teacher who has had TWO water damage issues (one from the ceiling and one from a flood), I've learned the hard way that keeping digital files is so much better than paper copies. As for organizing, I use folders and subfolders for everything. I allow myself one "to file" folder on my desktop, but try to clean it out every other week or so. Good luck!

    Christi =)
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner

    1. I think that's where I go wrong - I need to create files. For some reason I'm anti-file. Hmmmm, gotta work on that!

  26. Thanks for stopping by my blog - I've officially become a follower of yours!
    Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

  27. Hey lady!

    In response to your question about Mimio, I believe you're talking about a "screen clip?" Do you want to take photos of your Mimio lesson or a website or something outside of Mimio?


  28. I just use my Fn button on my laptop with "F11" and take a screen shot that way IF I'm working within Notebook. Did that help? If you wanted to take pictures of websites and other various things OUTSIDE of Mimio Notebook, you can click on the "insert" button on the Mimio toolbar (the floating one) and then select "screen clip." You can select and copy anything online. It will automatically upload in Mimio.

  29. Hi Holly I found you back and am your newest follower. I am a Michigan girl too and am so bummed I missed your blog meet up.

  30. So cute! Def something I can use next year!


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