Friday, February 17, 2012

Kshhhhhh, oweeeeee, Kssshhhhhhh - You've Got Mail - How I Met My Hubbers

Do you remember the days of AOL {America Online}? Does AOL still exist? Do you remember the external modems that sounded like a rocket ship taking off?   If you're too young to remember what I'm talking about I've provided a visual/audio aid below...

How about that busy signal? I used to try signing on to AOL FOREVER....just kept typing in that password...all that persistence paid off...

That trailer about sums it up.  Hubby and I frequented the same chatroom. Our first encounter went something like this:

Him: MSU rocks!
Me: You're from Michigan?  Me too!
Him: Cool
Me: Whe-

Dang - got the boot {Do you remember being mid-whatever and getting booted?}

After countless tries signing back on and then more tries getting into a busy chatroom "sorry, this chatroom is full"...I finally logged back into "Romance Connection" {Don't you dare make fun of me - I wasn't going to tell...}.

Him: You're back
Me: Yup - darn AOL
Him: LOL
Me: "Heather, {My college roomie} what does LOL mean?"
Me: yeah, LOL
Him: Do you go to college?
Me: Yeah, you?
Him: yeah, gonna be a teacher
Me: No way!?!?! Me too!!!!!!
Him:  Cool, whole language or basal?

Need I say more?  The guy knows how to pick up a lady...I bet none of you can say your hubsters or signifcant others used that pick up line on you!!!!!  Paws off girls, he's all mine...stop your swooning.

We logged in every night after school and chatted it up in "private messages" until one day he asked  if I wanted to meet.  Did you see Meg Ryan's reaction?  That was me, except I jumped out of my chair, raced around the apartment in circles saying over and over and over again "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh...."

I remember typing "ok" and sat there FoReVeR without pressing send!

Him: You still there?  I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked that question. I'm so sorry.

And then I hit  - SEND.

I wanted to take it back the minute I sent it.  I didn't call him the Rooftop Killer but I used to joke around about  him being an ax murderer!

So, we set up a time to a PUBLIC place.  I know, I know - you're applauding my smarts right now.

Hold the applause.

We met at Chili's. I knew exactly who I was looking for. Tom Hanks {You've Got Mail wasn't out yet} . No joke. We never exchanged pictures but we did tell eachother who people say we look like and his look-alike is Tom Hanks.  At first I pictured the Bosom Buddies version...yikes}...

Sadly, he wasn't looking for Meg Ryan he was seeking out...

I don't know what I was thinking...

We met, we hugged, we talked and talked and talked and sent the waitress away at least a hundred times before we were ready to order. It was kismet {Ha, I've always wanted to use that word - but seriously, it was a pretty instant connection}.  He came back to my place {see, I told you to hold that applause} but NOTHING ax...we did watch Forest Gump though...not even joking and just hung out.

When he proposed to me a year or so later he said "I guess I'm not that ax murderer you thought I might be..."

Ksshhhh, oweeeee, kssssshhhhhh...that sound of the modem connecting me to my future hubby will always make me smile....

Now go link up with Chrissy or check out her blog and read about some other great love connections...{I'll be back in two and two - leave a comment if you know what that means - HA!}
Buzzing with Ms. B Button



  1. You always make me laugh!!! So sweet! Love how y'all met! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  2. OH so sweet. Nice to put something pleasant with that horrible sound. Oh how I hated AOL, dial-up modems... that sound still makes me cringe.
    What a fabulous story. And funny, too. My favorite kind.
    Dragonflies in First

  3. I absolutely love love love You've Got Mail (it's an old fave of the hubs and mine). So I loved your story!!!! And I'm not at all too young to remember dail up connection!!!!! Too funny!!!! (Rooftop Killer cracked me up!)
    Loved your story!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  4. You've Got Mail is my all time most favorite movie, EVER. I can watch it over and over! Your story is precious! Love it. Thanks for posting it!

    First Impressions

  5. Love your story. It's so cute and I definitely hear the sound in my head.You're a definite true You've got mail story! How sweet.

  6. That WAS an awesome pick-up line! My hubby took me to Barnes & Noble last night for date night (bought books for Predident's Day).... some men are just meant to wooo a teacher!
    New Adventures in First Grade

  7. Dear Chuck Woolery,
    You have been on so many game shows I can't remember which show you said, "Be back in two and two." Please remind me if it was Lingo or The Dating Game.

  8. Oh, duh. Love Connection...
    What a week!

  9. Such a cute story! I love the movie You've Got Mail. Thanks for sharing your sweet story. I loved it!

    The First Grade Dream

  10. You had me laughing!! Crazy to think how much has changed in just a short time:) love your blog!! I'm your newest follower! Hope you'll stop by my blog and become a follower!!


  11. Ugh I remember that stupid modem sound too! :)

  12. Soooo nice to know I wasn't the only one who met hubby over the Internet! LOL You'll have to read my story :) However, it was Compuserve, not AOL that we met on! Gosh, are we dating ourselves or what???

    Great story! Thanks for sharing! :)

  13. What a great story! Gotta love the AOL dial-up sounds:-)

    Chickadee Jubilee

  14. That is a great story! I love his pick up line!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  15. Awww, I LOVE your love story :) Especially since it involves MSU! Too cute! Can't wait to meet you tomorrow :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  16. I love your story Hols! I totally remember staying up late on AOL instant messager. I would be having ten conversations at once. I think that's when I learned to multitask! Haha! Have a great weekend!

  17. Oh my gosh, I love your story - especially the sound effects. I don't know how many hours I spent on the phone with customer service. "It's not STAYING connected." Blech.

    LOVE the Kevin Bacon part lol.
    Thanks for linking up and sharing your story!
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  18. awww!! I met a boyfriend on AOL once :) How many times did you sound out the modem sound to type it?? hehe

    1. Ha - you're a hoot. I still don't think I got it right...

  19. I not only know where 2 and 2 came from, I'm showing you right now the way Chuck Woolery used to!
    I love the way you met! And his pick up line made me LOL (for realz).

    :) Andrea
    Stepping Into First Grade

  20. OH MY WORD!! That is so stinkin' adorable!! It's like it's straight from a movie!! Thanks for sharing your story!

    Sara :)
    Kindergarten Is A Hoot


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