Monday, February 6, 2012


Happy Monday!!!!

Last night I watched my last Super Bowl commercial and saw that Farley had started her February Currently Linky party...

You don't know {Wait a minute, yeah, you probably do} what self control it took to NOT link up right then and there. I went to bed, and even woke up in the middle of the night to double check that I closed the garage door, locked the slider and LINK up.  I did actually open up the computer and said to myself in a don't do it.  And went back up to bed...

Woke up this morning, and thought "Rats it's a hair washing day" time to blog.  Not that I could do a Currently that fast anyway...I have to merinate my thoughts and type, erase, type, erase, type...

Here it is, the way, I checked Reality Steve and I know who wins.  Yes, I'm the person who sometimes reads the ending of a book mid-book...I can't stand suspense. It makes my heart palpitate.  No worries...I'm a steel trap.

So, here's my Currently...{Click on it to take you over to Farley's blog and link up yourself...don't be shy!}




  1. I'm a new follower! :) I too want a snow day!!!! Have a great week!!!

  2. aw! Hols, (can I call you that?) I heart you! I love that you want to know the endings before they happen...I randomly do that, too! Like...One Tree Hill..sometimes I would read the synopsis (extended version) before I watched the show on Netflix. It's like it gives you something to watch out for!
    Stace (yeah, you can call me THAT! ;)

    2nd Grade Paradise

  3. I want to go to a workshop too! We should go to one together!!! Also I need a snow day too! It is suppose to snow on Tuesday, but you know what that means.....the weather men will be WRONG again! We will see though. Still haven't gotten the package...did you send it on the normal ground shipping or the priority? I know that makes a difference too. I wouldn't believe they could fit the package in the mailbox package section, but I haven't checked that today. I will still be on the look out! I hope you had a GREAT Monday. I did....lesson study so only half day today and tomorrow. Then Early Release Wednesday and then next week Parent Teacher Conferences Weds. and Thursday, but no school Friday or Monday. Four Day weekend woohoo!!

  4. So glad your husband is feeling better!!

  5. one time I checked with reality steve and learned who was going to win bachelor...IT RUINED IT for me! So keep that trap locked up tight!
    I DO NOT want to know!!!
    Hey I totally want to virtually train for a half. Let's do one in November. That's when the rock and roll comes to San Antonio. Let me know if you can find something at that time.
    I ran a half once. I RAN it hard. Like a rockstar. Never stopped to walk even a second. When it was over my knee was completely toast and I thought I would die. I am totally excited to do it again! ha ha...

  6. Hey lady! So glad the hubs is feeling better, I think you need to head to Cincy to pet a rocked! Let's go to an MI conference, how fun would that be?!?! :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  7. I want to go to a conference!!!!! Let's go together!!!!!!! It would be so fun! I want to call you Hols too! You can call me Rach!!!!!!

    Im SOOOO excited to meet and hang out at MI blogger meet up!!!!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  8. I checked Reality Steve, too. I am not telling either. Not even hinting on this comment in case other people read the comments.
    I love that your RAK will be for the hubby. But I have no ideas.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  9. good for you for waiting! I did was hard, wasn't it?? lol

  10. aaaahhhhhhh I HATE knowing the ruins everything for me. I am the kind of person who will NEVER peek or even begin to look for Christmas gifts... Never wanted to know what my kids were before they were born... both surprises.

    I just love me a surprise!

    Nope, I don't think a snow day is too much to ask. Totally agree with your weekend away and planning something with the hubby. Could use that myself!
    Dragonflies in First

  11. My dog barks at TV dogs, too. AND he rushes the TV which is mildly scary -- he always stops in time though. Ha ha.

    Grade ONEderful

  12. I am glad that your husband is feeling better!

    We used to have a cat that would try to attack other cats that she saw on TV. She was crazy!

    I need a snow day, too. I say we should all do our snow dances on the same night.

    First Grade Magic

  13. I am LOL' ing at your self control!! I was doing the SAME exact thing! I had a loonnggg day & took a {peek} at google reader, saw that Farley had a new "currently" going on & thought hmm, I could do this quickly...and I'm still online 30 minutes later...hahaha!!

  14. Love your currently! What a sweet wife to talk about your hubby! (And I am LOVING your self control!) I need to link up after school today! :)
    Happy Tuesday! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  15. I always check Reality Steve! Sometimes, more than once to see who's going home each week!
    And just what do we have to do to get just ONE snow day around here? I think we could all use a day! :)

  16. I follow your blog, and I have no idea why this post JUST came up in my Google Reader. Hm. Anyway, I'm a Reality Steve reader, too! It makes it more interesting for me to watch, even though it should probably have the opposite effect!

    Third Grade in the First State


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