Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Herman! You Have a Herman Too, Don't You? *FREEBIE*

Hey Sweet Cheeks,

Yeah, so this post isn't really much about Herman, it's more about getting your kids moving...Herman just seemed like a title that would make you want to come and read...sorry for the trickery, but now that you're here, you might as well stay!

Happy Tuesday...that would make tomorrow Wednesday, which makes us 1/2 way through the week, which means I have Media AND whatever special I have {I have a hard time keeping track of my specials because we have an A, B, C rotation...I can't even begin to tell you how many times we waited at the gym doors only to find out we have Music...} which makes for an "easy" afternoon.  Lord knows we need it.  Our mornings remain the glorious wonders they've always been, but for some reason we come back from lunch and HOLY TOLEDO...the kicker is, we have the early lunch {brunch} so that means the afternoons are   l    o     n    g!

It's time to pull out the brain gym.  I used to do brain gym a ton, and for whatever reason {crazy-full-absolutely-no-wiggle-room-curriculum} I stopped.  We had a PD day on Friday and part of it was spent refreshing our memories on brain gym activities.  Do you use it in your classroom?  I started today and plan to incorporate it daily..it's quick, easy and effective.  Click {HERE} for more information. We do the series of movements called PACE.  Which is described in the linked article.  This video shows how do do the various movements...it's a little hokey and they do each movement for a LONG time...in the classroom you'd shorten it, and you don't have to all do it simultaneously. 

Another activity our school does to help our kids stay focused, cross the midline, the whole nine yards is Motor Parents {Motor Moms and Dads}.  Parent volunteers run the program out in our hallway.  We have balance boards, balance beams, tunnels, Sit n' Spins, mats, mini-tramps, etc. all set up in stations.  The kids are pulled for 5 minutes tops.  They go through each station, practice counting by 5's, 10's, add, subtract, spell, etc. while doing these quick motor activites.  Read about it {HERE}.

I'm also thinking of incorporating yoga.  Do any of you use yoga in the classroom?  What do you think of it?  Our OT gave us some yoga cards that use kid language to explain the different poses.  I'm willing to try anything at this point! 

Now for Herman. I wish I had a picture of Herman.  He's our scrap box.  Whenever we do craftivities we feed our scraps to Hermie.  He just gobbles those scrapple-ies right up.  Click on the picture to grab your own Herman.


P.S.  I have a new blog look coming soon...I'm so dang excited!!!!

P.P.S.  We are having a Michigan Bloggy Bash!  Head on over to Amy's blog @ The Resource{ful} Room!  Bloggers AND followers are welcome!!!!  Hey, if you don't live close by...come anyway, I have a blow up mattress with your name on it...only the best for my bloggy friends!



  1. Oh jolly Holly....your so peppy...and let me tell you this girl neeeded it today chicka. If my kids were a little more plump I might have bitten their little head off....errrrr....

    So, I TOTALLY wanna come crash this palooza and sleep on your blow up mattress AND did you the tissue box monsters from pinterest?? If not I could totally point you in that direction and...You totally inspired me to combine that with your Hermie guy and inspire my kids NOT to poison Hermie with actual trash like candy wrappers, gum, etc....(remember, biting heads off)

    and...I cant wait to check out brain gym stuff!! As always I love ya. your awesome!!

    2nd Grade Paradise

  2. Love this! I use to collect construction paper scraps until one teacher called me a hoarder (maybe she is just jealous!), so now I have starting dumping and organizing and getting rid of things! Love this idea for our recycling unit! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  3. wow. that was SUCH an ADD comment...sorry!

  4. Thanks for the link on the Brain Gym stuff. Your Herman is simply adorable.
    Dragonflies in First

  5. I'm from Michigan too - just spreading some mitten love :)


  6. I am very interested in all of this movement stuff. Do they let the teachers go through the Motor Parents course too??? It sounds like so much fun!!! :)
    I like Herman -- so cute!
    I wish I could come visit you -- and I could just sleep in a drawer! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  7. Who is in TN?!?!??!
    Will there ever be a TN Blog Meet-up?

    I'm so alone! {to the tune of Donkey from Shrek!}

    I am excited about your new look too!

    Going Nutty!


  8. I had to come back and visit - forgot to tell you I want to crash at your house too!!! Let's see, how far a drive is it from Texas to Michigan??? Oh well... One day - Road trip! :) Happy Wednesday to you! We have class pictures tomorrow! Gotta go iron my dress! :)

  9. I do yoga once a week as in Alberta, Canada, we are required to incorporate 30 minutes of physical activity into each day. I went to our local public library and borrowed a handful of kid yoga videos, watched them and then decided which ones were appropriate for my age level (combined Gr. 2/3 classroom). I bought a couple on e-bay and also some yoga cards (kid appropriate). We have 25 yoga mats (for the whole school to use) and because our school population is in decline, we are able to use a classroom dedicated to this purpose. It was important to set the tone (serious and not silly) and now they know the routine (take off shoes and socks/get a mat/ unroll and position properly to see the TV/VCR set-up) We do it for 40 minutes every Friday and I LOVE the fact that they huff and puff and struggle to do many of the stretches. It is one of their favourite weekly activities and always complain if we have to miss it!

  10. Hi, I'm going to try to join you for the Michigan meet up. I've started a little blog, but since I really don't know what I'm doing, I want to learn from all of you. I have been following blogs since October, and ....well..... I'm addicted. I hope to meet you in March.
    Patty in Sturgis

  11. Oh, gee, I want to come. I'd love to come to Michigan. Too bad I have to work :) Sounds like fun!

  12. I can't wait to see the new look!!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  13. I love "Herman", I'm going to have to make my own! And I <3 Brain Gym. We do it every morning after our morning meeting and before workstations, it's amazing how much they are "off" if we forget.

    I would love to go to a blog meet-up, sadly I don't think there are any other Alaska bloggers. . . .sad!

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  14. I love Herman! He is too cute!

    We have a similar rotation for our specials...Days 1 - 5. Here is the kicker. If we miss a day and that was Day 3, when we come back, it is still Day 3. I have never been able to fully "get" it, so I had to make myself a flip chart. I know. It's sad.

    I can't wait to see your new look!

    First Grade Magic

  15. Holly,
    I just discovered your blog (via you coming to my blog and leaving a post!). It is adorable! So glad I found it! Thanks for sharing everything and for following me too!

    ΡΌ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  16. Sweet Holly- I love your blog- no need for Herman trickery to get me here! (although I did laugh out loud when I read the first few sentences of your blog) :) We have a mid morning "brunch" too- we eat at 10:50... REALLY! I've never heard of Brain Gym, but we used to do Chicken Fat at the school I student taught at- it was hilarious :) A song the kids exercised to, the name itself is hysterical!

    I'm going to a KY, IN, and OH blogger meet up on Saturday- I'm a bit nervous!!! :)

    Thanks for Herman!!

    Let's Teach Something

  17. I want to come meet up with you guys....but I live too far away! So sad!! I love your ideas for brain exercises. The kids sometimes just need a "brain break!" Herman is super cute! That is too funny that you named it. I bet your kids think that is so funny!

    1. Surely, you missed the fact that I have a blow up mattress...come on over!!!!

      Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  18. Miss Holly- How do you do threaded comments!?!?!?! I tried to reply to your comment on my blog- and couldn't get it to reply to yours. Check out my response on my blog. I mistyped some info- I know, I make mistakes too- it's hard to believe! :) Anyway, tips on how to do threaded comments are MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated!! I tried to google the tips and did the tips, and it's still not working... grrr.

    Let's Teach Something

  19. Kristen over at Ladybug's Teacher Files has a tutorial. I think I read out there, though, that it doesn't work with all blog templates?!? Here's a link to that post:


    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  20. I love you, Herman, and your blog...how can you be any cuter???

    Conscious Discipline has a cd that does a lot with moving and the brain...and lots of breathing! It is great! I have to practice breathing too at times before I say something that might not be very kind! =)

    Heather's Heart

  21. How did I MISS this post??
    #1... MI meet up? I would feel a tad weird since I stalk all these blogs but dont REALLY have one, just a measly WEEBLY for my classroom parents and kids. It really just has some pics and videos and newsletter...boring stuff. My creative juices went out with the babies (who are now 6 1/2 and 3!) So, yes, I AM one of thos who stalk, see who done it first and try it myself. OF COURSE if anyone asks I always say, "I got it from a blog I stalk, come by my room and I will show you!"
    #2...LOVE LOVE LOVE the brain gym. I have tried the yoga for kids...think its called yoga pretzles. Our OT and speech path. use them. Thought it was only $10 on amazon.

    1. Tracy - I don't know if you'll read this - but you MUST join us for the meet up.....it's not just for bloggers - followers too!!!!!!

      Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  22. I do, I do, I do! I MAY be able to make it too! Bonus will be that I don't have school the next day...lol I will have to triple check all the "to-do's" my kiddos have to make sure that day is clear.


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