Thursday, December 14, 2017

Teacher - You REALLY DO know what you're doing!

I'm here today to remind you of that.

Yes, YOU!

I'm getting ready to make sure you remember that you...

1.  Went to college and spent a lot of years studying to do what you do best - TEACH

2.  Have probably wanted to be a teacher since before you hit puberty - I know all about those stuffed animals you spent hours "teaching".  You started honing your craft long, long ago!

3. Might have tried a different profession and realized it wasn't for you and made a VERY conscious decision to become a teacher.  You worked your butt off to get yourself there.  You have tenacity and grit - and know exactly what's what!

4.  You spend hours upon hours on social media...
Watching Facebook Lives about guided reading
Watching Insta-stories and taking notes
Pinning anything and everything "teacher"

5.  Talk shop with all of your teacher friends - yes, we run in a tight circle, and we pretty much "talk teaching" whatever chance we get.  

So, despite what mutterings you hear from whoever you might hear them from, 
you REALLY DO know what you're doing.

I know you might doubt yourself.

I know you might question if you are reaching ALL of your students.

I know you might think that teacher over there is a rockstar and you aren't.

But I want you to listen and I want you to listen good.

All of that self doubt that you let creep in.

That, that right there.

That is your clue that YOU are the best darn teacher out there.


Because it shows how much you care.

It shows how much you care about whether or not you REALLY DO know what you are doing.

And you do.

And that's a fact.

Rock on!

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