Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Teacher Challenge - Just Sit Back and Enjoy...

...your students!

How often do you do it?  Be honest.  How often do you sit back and just enjoy those tiny people?

It seems that these days it's all about the urgency of things.  Teach with urgency.  Make every second count.  Rigor, rigor, rigor.

That's all fine and well - but what I want to challenge you to do is slow it down every now and then.  Set the urgency aside, ignore the data, stop taking notes and just sit back, watch the magic happening in your room, and just chat with your kiddos as they work and forget about the teaching point.

I hope you aren't taking what I'm saying the wrong way - I hope you don't think I'm discounting how important those aspects of our teaching are - because...they are important.

So, is enjoying your students as people.

If you don't enjoy them - they won't enjoy you or their learning.

So put down your pencil and your notebook.  


Laugh and love your students and your time together.

You might be surprised how much you learn about those little beings in your classroom - that you would have never noticed amidst the fervor...

So, grab a stool, lay on the floor - next to your students and bask in the the warmth of a day well spent - together, learning, smiling, ENJOYING your time together...

In that space...

...your classroom.


  1. Such a wonderful sentiment--and a great challenge for the new year! Sending you armloads of love...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

    1. Hello Kim!!!!!

      I needed this reminder as much as I'm thinking others may need it!

      Hugs to you - hope you're enjoying your break!

      Holly :)

  2. Holly,
    Your thoughts are so true! When teachers can slow down and enjoy their students it deepens the relationship they have and strengthens our teaching. The closer we get to our students the more they trust us. Melissa

    1. You are so, so right! It's more about the connections we make - isn't it?

      Thanks for chiming in!!!

  3. Which is why I went into teaching in the first place....or at least why I've stayed with it so long. Those littles just seem to pull me up by my bootstraps on the toughest days. They make me laugh and roll my eyes (in a good way) and look at life in a much more simple way (also good). Thanks for another great post!


    1. Hi Kathy,
      I think you are better at stopping to smell the roses with your students than I am. I get so caught up in the frenzy that I forget to do that. If I were a resolution-making-kinda-gal; I'd have to say that'll be one of mine this new year with my first graders....they can bring out the best of smiles in us - can't they?


      Holly :)

  4. Actually....I am not great at it at all! I think we all need to take a breath sometimes and remember that they are just children and we are only human. I'm glad it seems like I am stopping to smell the roses.....I guess I hide my stress pretty good.....just smile and everyone will think you're okay! Lol!

    1. xoxox Hope you had a great first week back!

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