Monday, December 22, 2014

Beginning our Math Workshop Adventure...

Well, the time is here - it's time for me to take the plunge.  I haven't really been dragging my feet - not totally, anyway.  Maybe just a little bit. Okay, I'm NERVOUS about this, people, I'm just plain 'ol nervous.  I'm not new to the workshop model. I have done reader's and writer's workshop for MANY MANY years.  I used the workshop format before it was even called workshop.  So, I'm not really sure why I haven't been teaching math this way.  

But now I am...

Well, at least I'm getting started with it.  Our last day before break was Friday.  My dear friend- couldn't-teach-first-grade-without-her pal, Barb and I met up at my school on Saturday {we sure do know how to kick our feet up and relax on our first day of break - right?} to pound out some of the details.  She's going to dip her toes in the workshop waters too.

I know it has to get really ugly before you see any headway.  It seemed like we spun our wheels a ton, but thanks to that preliminary work, when I got home I was really able to wrap my brain around it.

Chicken Scratches - Before
All Grouped - SmartBoard  - After

Currently, we use Bridges Math.  There are some really great pieces to this program - but....there are A TON of holes.  I've been hemming and hawing over how to fill these holes.  It seems like math workshop/guided math groups are the answer. 

I'm starting out with doing it three times a week and possibly more once I tweak and fine tune.  I'm going to run four "stations":

*WIG {wildly important goal} Work - students will practice their basic math facts a number of different ways. We'll really drive home the strategies we need to become fluent in solving addition and subtraction math problems.  This is something Bridges misses the boat on. They kinda went overboard on the whole "spiral model".  It seems that we are spiraling out of control and never really stick with anything long enough for my kiddos to see/feel success.  

*Workplaces - A large part of Bridges Math is what they call "workplaces" where students play a variety of math games.  Many of the games are great but some are either way too easy for my kids or too complicated for others.  Now I can plan which workplaces my groups will do - BRAVO!

*Work on Math {computers} - There are a whole slew of different web-based math games they can play.

*Guided Math Groups - This is where I'll be able to better differentiate instruction.

Right now, I'm looking through curriculum trying to decide which lessons will make good mini-lessons, which ones I should only teach to certain guided math groups, and which number corner lessons I want to incorporate into this instruction.  Number corner are additional lessons that I have such a hard time fitting into my day - but now that I plan on using them in guided math groups - I'm hoping I'll get to them more often.  So much to do, so little time...

To start, I plan on doing two groups each day - seeing my friends who struggle most all three days in a guided math group.  I'm really looking forward to getting this up and running.  I can only see good things coming from this adventure and can't wait to do a better job at differentiating my instruction!!!

Wish me luck!
Do you do math workshop/guided math?  Any words of wisdom?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Writing Note Freebie, Pay it Forward & Some Randomness

Hey Guys!

We had today off.  We went to Frankenmuth...

We go every year.  This place is the happiest on earth.  My husband, AKA Clark Griswold...

...was in heaven.  If it weren't so cold outside I'd take a picture of our house.  It closely resembles the one above.  Let's just say, I wasn't able to blow dry my hair yesterday morning because I kept blowing the fuse.  All those lights suck up a lot of energy!

Yesterday was a half day of school for us.  Contrary to what so many people think - it wasn't a half day for the teachers.  It was our records day.  If you can believe it, my cards are actually almost done - now that's a miracle!  It must have been the cozy fire that put me in the mood to get things done...

This "fire" lasted 10 minutes on YouTube - it was our "timer" for our daily 10 minute snack time.

At the end of each writing unit I send a letter home with the "pile 'o writing" explaining what we worked on.  A bunch of you asked for a copy of it on Instagram.  I'm not sure how helpful it will be since it is specific to what I taught this trimester - but if you can use it, it's yours.

Click the pic to grab yours!
If you haven't entered my Pay it Forward giveaway, which I'm pretty sure you haven't since only 2 people have {insert really sad face here} if you could take a moment to do that, that would be great. When you enter, you have an opportunity to give a shout out to a charity that is near and dear to your heart.  You also have a chance to win 50 dollars for that charity - it's all in the name of paying it forward.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider entering.  It's super easy too - you get one entry by sharing the name of our charity in a comment and another entry if you give someone a hug! doesn't get much easier than that!  Enter {here}.

Alrighty - time to make the mashed potatoes.  HA! I'm totally kidding.  My husband does that.  Time to go see if I can lick the bowl...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Data vs Professional Instincts

Have you seen this picture floating around the Internet and other social media?

I have and for me, it brings up so many emotions. I mean, emotions that are all over the board.  I'm thinking back to 16 years ago, when I first started teaching.  We weren't nearly as obsessed with data as we are today.  Not even close.  There were so many times that we solely went with our gut.  Does that sound horrible?

I'm willing to admit, back then we {speaking for myself} had very little data and that's not good either.  We knew our kids were growing, we had artifacts {repeated tasks, writing samples, portfolios} to prove it.  I know data has its place but your instincts do too. Growth does not have to be identified on a data wall or in a database to obtain legitimacy.  Back then, you knew your students were growing based on a gut instinct? Yup. Sometimes.

I've been trying to find words for why that's not a horrible thing.  I think if you are a newer teacher your jaw might have dropped.  You might have tsk tsk'd me and thought, thank goodness I wasn't a teacher "back then".  Sometimes, there just aren't words to tell how and why you know - you just do, and it's better than any other way of knowing.  

Okay, let me put it this way.  Have you ever been at a conference or you're reading some sort of professional book and you learn a new professional word?  Take "scaffolding" for example.  I'll never forget when I first heard that word used in the educational setting.  I went "oh, I do that - what teacher doesn't?"  I just didn't know there was a word for it and now that I do, I'm still the same great teacher I was before I learned the educational jargon.  

The same can be said for knowing your students.  At least that's how I feel. I'm thinking of the days of yonder when I would put books in my students' hands, listen to them read and just know what type of miscues they were making {even thought I didn't even know the word "miscue" existed - I called them mistakes}.  I SAW with my own eyes that they were using the pictures for clues, I HEARD that they were cuing into the first letter of each word rather than stretching through the entire word and I noticed that they weren't reading for meaning "I walked my duck on a leash" - yup, no meaning there. I adjusted my instruction according to my students IMMEDIATE needs.  I took notes and most importantly I KEPT TEACHING.

Today, we do the same thing - but we don't always trust it - because it isn't coming in the form of a formal assessment. So what do we do?  We stop the presses.  Our classroom instruction comes to an abrupt halt.  And we assess.  One of those assessments for us is Fountas and Pinnell {a valid assessment and useful tool; don't get me wrong} and what do we end up finding out?  Yup, what our gut was telling us, what our professional instincts affirmed, that's what we are seeing on that assessment that took 20 minutes to administer. 

26 students.  20 instructional minutes lost per 26 students = 520 minutes.  520 minutes 4 to 5 times a year = 2,080 minutes per year.  2, 080 minutes per year = 35 hours.  That's a FULL school week. That's a lot of teaching....lost.  And that's only ONE of the many assessments we administer in our classrooms.

I know that many of us do not have a choice in the matter.  It's expected of us.  Administer the assessment so that we can decide whether or not you're worthy of teaching at our school.  I'm so sorry if that is your life.  I'm sorry that "those people" in your schools are putting as much value on the assessment as they are on the teaching.

Thankfully, I feel like my situation allows for me to balance both - at least for the time being; and I'm going to bask in that.  I'm able to assess at the beginning of the year and at the end.  In the middle I do whatever I feel best allows for me to understand where my students are performing.

Sadly, I'm noticing a new trend.  Teachers are no longer trusting their own professional instincts. To see my colleagues fall "victim" to testing and data collection is disheartening to me. I've seen so many of my friends paralyzed as professionals - they have forgotten that teaching is as much {if not more} an art as it is a science. I'm keenly aware that many districts are not like mine - who only require us to assess twice a year.  Yet, in spite of this understanding of professionalism, many are "stopping the show" to do more assessing.  I'm baffled.  I've thought so hard about why this might be.

All I can come up with is that they've forgotten that formative assessments, anecdotal notes and their own professional instincts are just as good, IF NOT BETTER, than the data they collect when doing a formal/summative assessment. It makes my stomach hurt to see instruction coming to a stand-still time and time again to perform senseless assessments. Data is necessary, I realize this.  It allows for us to dial down on skills and really pinpoint growth - but it's not the end-all-be-all.

I want my colleagues to dig deep into their memories and remember the days that they trusted their observational skills and their teacher gut and if you came into teaching at a time where you wouldn't know any can trust your inner-teacher too.  You've got one - I'm pretty sure you were born with it.  Don't let data drive what you do each day in your classroom; let what you see and don't see do that.  You've got it in you. No formal assessment can take the place of your professional instincts...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Fourth Annual Pay It Forward Giveaway

Happy Sunday!

So, I started this giveaway four years ago.  Making this post for the past four years just makes me smile.  I wish I could give more but every little bit counts. This time of year can be such a blessed & happy time for people but it can also be a struggle.  There are so many wonderful organizations out there to give to and I enjoy learning about new ones during this giveaway. 

Here are the organizations we've given to in the past.  Maybe you'll find a new one to give to yourself! 

Three Years Ago:

Two Years Ago:

Last Year:

So here's the skinny - you enter the giveaway.  One of the entries requires you to leave a comment telling what organization you would like a donation to be given.  If you feel like sharing why this charity is special to you I would love to hear your story and it's a beautiful way to honor somebody special to you.  I know others out there find themselves thinking of others, especially at this time of year, so this might help them find a new charity to give to.  This giveaway is all about paying it forward.

Once I choose a "winner" I'll give 50 dollars in your name to your charity of choice.  

If you are a blogger and you'd like to start a similar giveaway I would be tickled pink to see that happen.  After all, that's the whole idea behind "pay it forward".  That's always been my vision for this - it would be really cool to see this spread!

Enter below!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Simple Little Somethings ~ For the Classroom

I thought I'd share with you some simple little somethings that I use in my classroom and love and I think you will too!

I've been using visual direction cards for years.  I just spruced mine up with this product from Ashley Hughes.  Some kids have a hard time following more than 2-step directions, others need reminders because getting from point A to point B can be tricky business.  These cards stop the "what do I do now" questions and help this teacher stay happy!

I have those little bins from Target all over my classroom.  They serve a couple of different purposes. They collect "junk" and they look cute!  I think I have one of these in every corner.  Pick up a pen, use it, instead of setting it down, plunk it in a bucket.  Easy breezy!

I might have these all around my classroom too.  One holds extra mittens for those kiddos who lose or forget theirs.  One holds extra headphones for listen-to-reading, another is used as our sharing sack.  Cute, colorful, cheap and oh so multi-purpose!

Beggars can't be choosers - and I am really happy that I get so many wonderful donations from parents.  But....I love a cute tissue box and have those EVERYWHERE in my classroom.  

I got my BOP this summer and I tell you...I LOVE this simple little pleasure.  I can take it anywhere in the room with me.  It's nice and loud.  Colorful.  Cute. One of my absolute favorite simple little something.

I'm a Tervis convert.  A sweet little guy gave me this one at the end of last year.  He said "Because you're so wise, Mrs. W."  HA!  I don't know about that, kiddo - but I tell you, this is the smartest beverage holder I've ever had.  I have since bought a couple more. One for water. One for coffee.  I can't use my coffee one for my water one.  I'm strange like that.  

I am very blessed and have so many books in my classroom.  I'm embarrassed to admit that, up until my handy dandy little "blue dot" basket idea, many of them were sitting in boxes - unused.  I tried to rotate books into bins, but often fell behind.  I haven't had a chance to sort them or level them but I really wanted them in my students' hands!  I decided a simple fix would be to put this blue dot label on bins, and put blue dots on all those books I haven't had a chance to level or sort.  Now those books are being read and loved.  Simple.

I use this gym floor tape for lots of things too.  It sticks to anything.  Doesn't leave a residue when you pull it off.  Just love it.  I use it on my books to level/label them.  I used the blue tape for my "blue dot" books.  If I decide to finally level/sort them, I can pull that tape off and replace it with a different color so that they can be leveled. I also use this stuff on the floor to designate where we line up.  On the carpet if someone needs a special little spot to sit during learning time.  Simple.

Hope you got some ideas!  

Happy November!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Craft Project Ideas & A Little Bragging!

Hi Folks!

How the heck are you?!?  I think about you often...I haven't forgotten about you!!!!

School is in full swing.  Have I ever told you that I always think about switching grade levels for the first two weeks of first grade?  I'm sure I've told you that before because I think it every single year! This year was no different.  Those little buggers just test the waters those first few days and it always makes me quiver and quake and wonder if I'm ever going to restore order in my classroom!?!?

Then it happens. They figure it out.  They realize you mean business and they remember {pretty much} what school is all about.  Then I can't imagine teaching any other grade.

So, I came home one day last week and I was tuckered...couldn't even think or see straight.  Found- the-peanut-butter-in-the-freezer tired.  The doorbell rang and the UPS man handed me a happy little package.  Of course I didn't remember ordering anything, but that's nothing new, and I didn't order anything - this was a complete and total surprise from  Those sweet folks thought it was due time to send me some goodies.  The timing couldn't have been more perfect!!!

I use these EVERYWHERE in my classroom.
These puppies are STRONG and even hold up construction paper!

See all those magnet buttons?

Are these not the cutest little things?  Strong too!
More magnet buttons - and see those cutie pie suction cups
holding up my place value chart?
What? More buttons you say?
I use this one to show what our
noise level should be.

Are you a clothespin snob?
I am and these pass the test.
They don't fall apart easily at all!
They work like butter, I say, like buttah...

I already have plans for these during Daily 5!
Word work, baby!

Can't wait to fill this cart with new word work activities!

This chalkboard is perfect to put our new sight words for the week.
I have this hanging on our focus board.

You can see why my toes tickle whenever sends me these awesome gifts!  If I were to choose two favorites from the box it would definitely be {can you guess?} the magnet buttons and the suction cups!  HA!  My students will LOVE the other stuff more; I'm sure!

And I have to do some bragging here because this group is just filled with dynamos!!!!

That was after only TWO days of working on stamina!
We do something called Math Workplaces.  This time of the day can get a little loud.  The kids are almost always engaged - they love the math tubs, but the noise level can sky rocket.  They have been doing such a great job I just had to brag on them!
Sorting plastic bugs 

Bugs On Board {game with coordinates}

Geoboards - see all those awesome math planners?
My kiddos are doing such a great job recording where they've been
and understand where they need to go!

Which Numeral Will Win? A game played with a loaded spinner!

Awesome pattern block creations!

Polydrons - always a class favorite!
Yes, I love first grade - there, I said it and by golly, I MEAN it!

Happy almost Thursday!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Parent Curriculum Night

Hey Guys!

I bet so many of you are back in the swing of things - I almost envy you, as I sit here watching Kelly & Michael...sipping my coffee.  I really do.  Once school starts I find myself wishing that I was beyond all the back-to-school craziness.  I wish my students knew the Room 8 gig and we were past all that.  Since we start after Labor Day I still have some sleepless night ahead of me!!!

We all know how important it is to establish relationships with not just our students, but their families as well. Inevitably you will encounter many a bump and bruise as you navigate through the school year.  Having established an open line of communication with the families is critical.  If your parents understand that you are coming from a place of concern and care they are better able to hear you when you call with a behavioral or academic concern.  

At my school we have a Meet & Greet before school starts.  This is a time for students to see their new digs, meet the teacher and see their parents interact with the adult they are soon to spend the bulk of their days with - their teacher.  This is an "open house" type deal - so parents come and visit for a few minutes and then head out to the PTA ice cream social afterward.  

I created this little ditty for my Meet & Greet and thought I'd share it with you {if you haven't already picked it up on my Facebook page}.

Gum not included ;)
A couple of weeks after school starts we do our grade level curriculum night.  This is a parent-only event at my school.  I know sometimes it's hard to get parents there if they can't bring their child with them - it's best to do with the parents' undivided attention, but if the kids need to come - I say, let 'em come!

Here's how we run our curriculum night:


We meet in the cafeteria as a grade level.  Meeting together is a great way to show parents that you are a team, a village - and you're all in this little adventure together.  We start by introducing ourselves {each member of our team}.  It's nice to share a little about yourself...something that makes you seem human to them.

Next, we head into curriculum - this year we're using this great freebie template from Ladybug's Teacher Files.

This PowerPoint will help our team stay focused on what we want to cover in terms of curriculum.  Each one of us takes a curricular area to discuss with our parents.  Included on each slide is a word or two to help us remember what it is we'd like to share.  When speaking with parents we elaborate enough to help them have a basic understanding.

Template from Ladybug's Teacher Files - white words are typed in by teacher
I also have a personal classroom website that goes further in depth on curriculum, provides links of the common core standards, etc.  There's so much to cover in a 30 minute time period, we try to touch on the basics.  Having this same information readily available in one place {my website} reassures them that they don't have to feel overwhelmed, they can just sit and absorb as much as they can, and then visit my website to delve deeper or use as a reference.

I use TeacherWeb - it is $39 dollars a year and so easy to use!
I've been using TeacherWeb for 8 years...

Once we've shared the nuts & bolts of the curriculum we move down to our own classrooms for the final 30 minutes.  

Each year I have this little poem and apple sitting on the tables...

Freebie from Primary Press

This year, I'll be adding this sweet little freebie from Rowdy in Room's a great way to share a little about yourself.  Sometimes {how about all the time} I feel so hurried, I dive right into classroom procedures, and forget to share even one thing about myself.  Having this on the tables will help me to remember to SLOW down!!!!!

Click the picture to get yours free from Nicole!
I will write student names on each one so that I
 know who was there and who wasn't.
After I've shared a little about myself I dive right into my Room 8 Handbook.  This is available to parents on my class website so I don't print anything out from this handbook {trees are singing right now}.  I do not have this available to you, but you can see it {here} for ideas.

I display this PDF on my SmartBoard and go through each slide {and "in a nutshell" it}with the parents.  This handbook just provides the ins and outs of my classroom and my quirky-ness.  

I'm getting all techie this year and putting this little guy on each table...

The QR code will take them directly to our class website. I'm going to have parents {who can}
put this right on their iPhone home screen right then and there!

I like to save a few minutes at the end where parents can ask questions, introduce themselves and hopefully grab a sticky note from our door that has an item we "wish" for, for our classroom.  I don't have a picture of it, but I have the word "WISH" up on my classroom door...on colorful sticky notes I write different items that our class needs/wants.  I keep this up all year long.  Whether my door is open or closed {rarely} the parents can see our wishes and grab a sticky note.  

Hope you found this post useful.  If you have any cool ways you run your parent curriculum night I really would love for you to share!

Happy back to school...

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