Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Third Annual Pay it Forward Giveaway

Hi All!

It's so hard to believe the holidays are upon us.  How did that happen?  No, really - HOW did that happen? I feel like we were just setting up our classrooms.

I have so many blessings in my life.  I bet you do too.  I try to remember them as often as I can.  Sometimes life just gets the best of me and I forget to really be thankful for what I have.

For the past two years I've hosted the "Pay it Forward Giveaway" {$50 dollars to one charity of your choice}.  One of the entries is to leave a blog comment telling what organization you'd like for the donation to be made.  I love having you do this because, in the spirit of giving, someone might have their interest piqued and choose to give an additional donation.  I remember this organization from last year...

And this one from two years ago...

I'm so moved and inspired by those wanting to honor others or make the world a sweeter place to be.

So please, go enter.  Each entry to "win" is in the spirit of paying it forward.  I hope this giveaway makes your heart smile as much as it does mine.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Heifer International is a wonderful organization that works worldwide to educate and provide livestock to families. A couple years ago my school got involved a was able to purchase over $2000 worth of animals. The students loved the bulletin board we did that showed the animals we purchased. They really understood the true gift of giving! http://www.heifer.org/about-heifer/index.html

  2. One of my favorite giveaways three years running!! SPCA gets my vote this year. The hubs has been a real advocate and financial supporter for all our furry friends this year, so I know it would make his day (and mine) to send some extra funding their way! :)

  3. Love, Santa is an organization that provides food boxes and Christmas presents to families in the local area in need. Every year they serve hundreds of families. My town serves 100+. Being able to help in this small way is the least I can do.
    https://www.facebook.com/lovesantainc Has some more info.

  4. And a blog you should check out is Whimsy Workshop. Love her clip art and her fun art/class pictures she posts

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I could be here all day with the blogger shout outs. But tonight I'd like to give a shout out to Christy from Crayons and Whimsy!! I met her this summer in Vegas. She a sweet teacher blogger from Cali who has even taught abroad and has blogged about it!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  7. I love so many charitable organizations, but this year I'm especially connected with Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. My case will go to trial in early January, almost a full year after I was hit head-on by an allegedly drunk driver, and MADD has given me an advocate who's been with me step by step through this horrible ordeal.

    Thanks for doing this, Holly! I tried it last year and didn't get a lot of response but it felt SO so good to send a donation off to the four gals who did enter to win something ... for someone else!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving from TX.


  8. I would love to send a donation to the muscular dystrophy foundation. My grandfather passed from md & lit up the worlds of so many & my uncle currently suffers from it! I've volunteered every year since I was 10 months old!! (yup 10 months!)

  9. Thinking of a dear family who needs the support! http://www.gofundme.com/5c6lfg

    I love this idea for a fabulous giveaway! You rock!

  10. I love, love Laura Loves to Teach! She is a fabulous teacher in rural NY. http://lovetoteach123.blogspot.com/

  11. I LOVE this idea! :) I try to help out with a local organization, Freedom Fences, that is near and dear to my animal-loving heart. They build fences for low-income families who cannot afford them in order to unchain dogs in our area. It breaks my heart to ride by seeing dogs chained outdoors, often with no or little warmth/shelter or food/water. That's no life at all! Freedom Fences is purely volunteers with great hearts who give so much of their time to this cause.

  12. In light of the recent tornadoes that destroyed so many homes in central Illinois I would say my vote is to the local Red Cross.

  13. I would donate to Girls on the Run International. My favorite blogger is http://ohboy3rdgrade.blogspot.com/

  14. I would love to donate through kiva.org. It's an organization that provides microloans to people (mostly in developing countries) to help them start a business or project of some kind, and once they get it going, they almost always pay their lenders back. Then, you can loan that same money to someone else to help them get started! I love choosing someone to help who just needs some start-up capital (such as the money for a sewing machine and fabric to start a sewing business), and to basically recycle the money is just incredible to me!

    I'd also love to give a shout-out to http://curiousfirsties.blogspot.com -- they have such great ideas!

  15. I, too, love this twist on a giveaway! The orgnization I would like to "win" is called AIM for the Handicapped. AIM stands for Adventures in Movement and is located in Dayton, OH. AIM helps mentally challenged, visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically handicapped, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, severe behavior disorder (SBD), severe behavior handicap (SBH), autism, the geriatric population, and other children and adults with special needs reach their highest potential through the AIM method. There is never a charge to handicapped children or their parents for our service, and no child is ever turned away. All funds are derived through donations . This is an organization that has worked with my special needs son since he was 2 years old and they mean the world to us for what they do for the handicapped children in our area.

    1. This sounds wonderful! My son also has special needs, cerebral palsy. I personally know the challenges we face daily (physically and financially). Please consider donating to this organization!
      Teaching Ever After

  16. I would give to the Ronald McDonald House. We have three families in our town right now whose children are battling cancer and the RMH has really helped them. Love this idea and you for doing it!!

  17. With the recent storms that devastated many neighborhoods just miles from my home in Central Illinois, I would give to American Red Cross of Central Illinois to support supplies, food, and community restoration for the victims of the November 17th tornadoes.

  18. I would like to donate to the World Wildlife Fund. I know there are plenty of excellent charities for us humans, but the animals need a voice too! We're the only ones that can help them!

  19. The Lustgarten Foundation is working to find a cure for Pancreatic Cancer, an often not diagnosed till its too late disease. Cablevision (a NY cable company) funds this organization so 100% raised goes to research. I lost a colleague, best friend, partner teacher and sometimes other mom to this awful disease 2 years ago, just a few short years after her retirement from teaching. I see her face in so many lessons I teach and as I walk through the hallways of our school.

  20. Holly,

    I would love for a donation to be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. No family ever pays St. Jude for anything! The daily operating cost for St. Jude is $1.8 million, which is primarily covered by public contributions. Thanks for considering it!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  21. The Shriner Hospital is a wonderful non profit that uses its funds to pay for hospital stays and needs of the families and children who visit any of their facilities.

    One of my fave bloggers- Farrah at Whole Brain Teaching http://www.mrsshipleywholebrainteaching.blogspot.com/

    Happy Thanksgiving and MERRY CHRISTMAS y'all!
    Georgia Grown Kiddos

    1. My husband and son were just at Shriner's today! Did you knew that they will provide transportation to and from the hospital?! We love about 2 hours away and they still will. I them too. Plus I love, love, love Farrah Shipley too!

  22. Brianna's Wheel's is my new favorite donation. Brianna is a dear friend of my cousin and I have had the pleasure to meet her several times. Now that she is in high school, it is becoming difficult to keep her independence in a wheel chair. Her family is trying to get the funding for a van that can pick up her motorized wheel chair so she is able to take it places. http://www.gofundme.com/5dcerk

    Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
    Feeling blessed:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  23. The Wounded Warrior Project is close to my heart. Its a non-partisan organization that's not about the war, it's about the warrior. It helps injured service members - and their families - as they return home from the current conflicts. http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

    One of my favorite bloggers is Cindy from Granny Goes to School - super sweet and creative! http://grannygoestoschool.blogspot.com/

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats in Kindergarten


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