Tuesday, August 7, 2012

You Get What You Get...

Have you ever said that to your kids? I used to say "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" - which, I've just realized can be quite controversial amongst teachers. I had no idea that some people found this not to rhyme.  Hmmm...I guess it doesn't really rhyme for me either.  I mean I pronounce the 'e' in get as a short 'e' sound not a short 'i' sound - but for this particular saying, I switch it and make the short 'i' sound so it WILL rhyme.  No big deal...I can be flexible.

Speaking of flexible, I really try to teach my firsties how to just roll with it.  Something doesn't quite go our way and I'll say in a sing songy voice "Oh well...next time". Or maybe our special has been cancelled {yeah, okay - I'll admit, THIS one is hard for me to roll with} we'll say "That's okay - we're flexible".  With different situations that come up like this throughout the year you'll often hear that response..."We're flexible".  I'm hoping this life skill will stay with them throughout...life.  It's an important one!

Back to "You get what you get..." or "You git what you git".  I used to say "...and you don't throw a fit".  Then one day it struck me that I didn't really like that so much.  Of course you don't throw a fit - you're a BIG first grader.  First graders don't throw fits {or so I say}.  So, instead I say "You get what you get and you appreciate it".  Doesn't that sound more positive? Manners are another important life skill to teach and I'm sure, like me, you not only encourage but expect those "please" and "thank you's" - with a heart felt thank you comes a feeling of appreciation rather than entitlement.  Oh boy...that's big stuff. 

I made this little sign to put up in my classroom this school year and thought you might want one too.  I put the same saying in a doc with a few different frames and clipart options.  Choose the one that matches your classroom decor best!

Edited to add one more - this one was inspired by Heather over at Heather's Heart

Click the pictures to pick yours up for free.
There are other choices {different clipart, frames, etc.} too!
But if you don't see exactly what you want - You get what you get...



  1. Holly - that is too cute. I do say that but I like your version way better. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. I really like that too! I've wore my mouse out clicking the picture... it doesn't work. I'm trying not to throw a fit. :-)


    1. What a hoot - see, I was testing you. You passed!!!!! It should work now!

  3. I love it Holly! I have always told my kiddos to just be thankful they got something. =)

    I can so tie this in with what I just posted about with celebrating each other. I have had some of my kiddos celebrate one of my fit throwers who finally learned to appreciate what he was given.

    You are the BEST! =)

    Heather's Heart

  4. Where's the LOVE button? I love your version of that saying SO. MUCH. BETTER!! Thanks, Holly.

    The Corner On Character

  5. BTW...I REAAALLLLLY appreciate the ones with the hearts. =)

    Heather's Heart

  6. Oh I love it! I already had a sign about not pitching a fit, but I think I am going to have to replace it! Thanks a bunch!!!

    Teachery Tidbits

  7. Thanks this is much cuter!

    I'm having a Giveaway!
    The Busy Busy Hive

  8. I love this !! What a great positive spin on it. The reason I say "Don't pitch a fit " is to then talk about appreciating things.This does it directly & explicitly. Thanks!! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  9. Two years ago, my kiddos taught me to reword it as "You get what you get and you don't mind a bit!" But, I think I like the "appreciate it" because you are making a point about being thankful for receiving something, even if it would not have been their choice.

    Donna W.

  10. I usually say "you get what you get and you don't get upset" because that rhymes but I love the positive spin of yours. Maybe I will say "you get what you get and you don't get upset you appreciate it".

  11. Well, I am from Kentucky and get is git....no way around it! I often say that but I LOVE your new saying! So much nicer! Thanks so much!

    Kindergarten Korner

  12. You are so sweet! My heart smiles when I think of you. =)

    Heather's Heart

  13. I love it. You are totally right! These are so much more positive!

  14. This is why I love you! How genius! I'm totally going to start using that.

    Also, I'm not gonna lie, I totally thought that was in reference to some oh so needy people. :) I think that should be our new response!

    Tales From Outside the Classroom

    1. Ha, what a hoot - if the shoe fits, right?!?

  15. Love it Holly! These are absolutely adorable! I am so thankful for you and your blog! You always make me smile! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  16. Mine is similar... I always say, "You get what you get and you're happy with it! Love your blog!

  17. I love this. You're right, it is much more positive that way!!! :)

  18. I like appreciate it -- much sweeter twist on one of my favorite sayings!! :)

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  19. I teach some seriously “feisty” first graders in NY. My very first year of teaching, one of the sweetest little boys in my class, who had a very hard life and had very little, taught me an important lesson. He said to me as another child whined about not getting exactly what she wanted… “Mrs. K. You get what you get! And you don’t get upset! Right?” So each year, as I introduce our Responsive Classroom rules, I tell them about this little boy and I tell them what he said. This mantra is repeated all throughout the year! =0) Thanks for sharing your idea! I love it!

  20. Oh yah, I LOVE this saying. This is such a hard thing to teach to firsties, but the repetition and this wonderfully positive phrase is great! Thanks

  21. I've always used...."You get what you get and you don't get upset... (it rhymes :)Some many ways to say it!


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