Friday, June 15, 2012

Over and Out!

Went in today and finished her up.  Taking a look around that empty{ish} classroom gave me such a feeling of accomplishment.  Those 22 minds that learned in that space are more than ready to move on to second grade, the fun that was had, the work that was done...the mountains that were moved!  Just amazes me what one human being can orchestrate and the village it takes....we are powerful!!!!!

It always gives me goosebumplies when I shut off the lights, and close the door that final time.  While tearing down the room to its bare bones...
Do you see that smidgeon of storage?  For Real!?!? tiring and nothing short of a miracle.  I DO love that clean slate.  Oh the possibilities...

Until then, I brought home a bag FULL of files.  I'm hoping the creative juices start flowing and I can find inspiration to create something wonderful for the next school year. 

My friend Barb and I have big plans to complete our reader's workshop binder...we started it last summer and it's still in the works.  We're trying to streamline our plans, perk up our activities, and align the whole thing with the Common Core.  Slow going, but we're hoping to finish it up.  We're putting our calendars together and hope to work on it once a week.  I hope we can make that happen. 

Of course I'm making time for a little of this...



  1. I know just what you mean about the turning off the lights. Great feeling.

    Have a wonderful vacation.

    ✰ Kimberley ✰
    First in Maine

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy Summer! I feel you on the storage, I don't have much in my room at all. I have a cabinet. That's it.
    Fourth and Ten
    Like Fourth and Ten on Facebook!
    Formerly Stories From Second

  4. Relax and Enjoy Summer! It goes by so quickly.

    The Very Busy Kindergarten

  5. Enjoy your summer! I'm your newest follower and a brand new blogger. I'd love for your to drop by my blog when you have a chance.

    Teaching Maddeness

  6. Happy Summer! Hopefully we can have another bloggy meet up in there somewhere too!!


  7. Happy Summer to you!! It's no wonder so many teacher's get inspired to re-do their classrooms over the summer. Like you said- a blank slate is just full of possibilities!

    Falling Into First

  8. Enjoy your summer, I can't beleive how fast it going by!

  9. Enjoy your break Holly!! I'm so jealous of all the picks of teachers "empty" rooms.... I had to take everything home. My room REALLY is bare to the bones. lol. (I have a job at the school next year... they just don't know what room I'm in b/c I'm changing grade levels.) Happy Summer!

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  10. Hi Holly:
    Congrats on a year completed!
    My room is not cleaned out yet, but your pictures motivated me to get it done tomorrow!
    (So I can start planning for next year? Aren't teachers a crazy bunch?!)

    Happy Summer!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  11. Enjoy your summer Holly!

    My room has zero storage too. They then stack the furniture to the ceiling so they can clean the carpet. It is not fun for my short self to unstack it!

    Heather's Heart

  12. I can't believe how much you have to pack up! I think I am pretty spoiled at my school. They just had us remove the stuff off the top of our desk. But I will start over with fresh, new butcher paper. :)
    You deserve to relax!!!

  13. I used to have to pack up like that, too. So, I feel your pain. It is a great "clean slate", though.

    Here's to summer!

    Fun in Room 4B

  14. Most people just don't realize how much manual labor is involved in teaching!
    Yay to summer!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  15. It looks like your summer is off to a good start!!!

  16. Love the summer!!
    Come visit me!

    Just diving In

  17. It is quite sad to pack it all up.
    When do you get to get back in? I can't for another 1/2 a month and its killing me! I just want to unpack already!!

    p.s.- I am your newest follower! I love the blog!


  18. I have never had to pack this much before (and I am still not done - 10 years in one place is too long!), but since I have to move rooms this year, I feel your pain! I am so ready to just throw it all away and start over... Okay, not really, but boy, it is no fun! Sure looks pretty though! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  19. I'm just curious about something. I notice that a lot of teachers say they're packing up at the end of the year. Why is that? Do you have to change classes each year? I've been in the same room for about 6 years and all I have to do is clear off my desk. Just wondering :) Have a fabulous summer!!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  20. I SOOO wanna camp in our backyard!!!

    Barbara - I had to pack up EVERYTHING this year because we are cleaning EVERY nook and cranny this summer because of our bug problem...usually though, we just have to pack up whatever is touching the floor, because they have to clean and wax the floors over the summer...

  21. I moved classrooms last year and that was such a pain. Luckily we only have to clear off our desks and get what we can off the floor so they can shampoo the carpets and stuff. Oh my goodness. Couldn't imagine.

    Oh, & I'm your newest follower. I'd be honored if you checked out my newbie blog.

    You Might Be a First Grader...


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