Friday, June 22, 2012

Check, Check and Check!

Happy Summer Friday! Or is it Monday?  Tuesday?  No, it's Sunday.  I never know what day of the week it is once summer vacation hits. 

There were a few things on my to-do list for this first week off...

1. Buy something fun for my classroom.... {check}

Magic Music Wand from Chinaberry - click the picture to go to their website.  Duct tape from Michael's!
I've seen the magic wands around blogland and thought I needed one of those.  They are so cool!  I plan on using it when I need to call the group together.  Just a sweet sound when you tap it on something. 

I can't wait to do this with the duct tape!  Michael's had so many cool was hard to choose!

2.  Wish upon a rainbow.... {check}

This actually is the second one this summer.  Maybe where you live you see them all the time - but I've only seen a handful in my life time - so whenever I see one it gives me goosebumbplies!  This was  a double rainbow right above our house last night!

3.  Create my first product for TpT! {check} I've spent DAYS on it and had a lot of fun doing it!  So now it's up for sale in my "store"...ha, why does that make me giggle?  I have a "store"...who says that?!?  If you're in the market for a parent/curriculum/open house/beginning of the year parent information toolbox you'll want to check it out.  Seriously, without tooting my own horn or anything, I think it's full of stuff you'll find useful!

Click the picture to check it out at my "store"!!!!! I'll give you a great big hug if you do!

I'm pretty happy with my first week off. Hope you are enjoying yours!!!

What's up next week?

At least ONE full day in the sun and ONE full day in my pj's...


  1. Sounds like you have gotten a lot accomplished!! :) I love that patterned duct tape. I think I'm going to have to check Michael's out!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. This is the first I am hearing about the magic wand, but I think I am going to have to get one!
    Adventures in Room 5

  3. I went to a conference and the leader used one of those wands. It is a pretty noise! Good luck with your store - it's so much fun!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. Those wands are pretty cool :) Congrats on your first TpT item!

    The Learning Tree

  5. I have always wanted one of those music wands. Love the door.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  6. I finally gave in and bought my "magic wand" a couple years ago. Love it.

    You've had a very productive week!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  7. How fun is that music wand?!?! Your unit looks wonderful!
    Michelle @ Smitten With First

  8. Good luck on your TPT store. I'm heading over there shortly to check out your first item!
    I love the duct tape idea -- I'm going to have to copy from you!
    I've seen the wand before. The teacher used it to teach silent/magic "e".
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  9. Haven't seen those wands before, I will have to check it out! Love the duct tape idea too!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  10. Bring on the vacation stress, eh? Our staff members LOVE those wants . . . gave the Star-shaped ones to our faculty for Teacher Appreciation Week the year we used Starpolisher as our theme. Kids love them!!

    Summertime smiles,

    The Corner On Character

  11. I love the duct tape on the door. Do you think it will take off the finish? I bought some cool duct tape to go with my rock and roll theme, but I would hate to tear up my door.
    We had a horrible storm right before our wedding, but then during the reception we had an awesome double rainbow. :)
    First with Franklin

  12. Love that wand and the decorated door. Thanks for sharing.


  13. I love those wands...I have 2 of them. =)

    Wahoo for your TpT store...your packet looks great!

    You are almost to 700 followers...that is exciting. If you have a giveaway, I would love to help. =)

    Heather's Heart

  14. I'm totally going to have to check out those wands. So cute. I'm heading over to your TpT store. Congrats btw. The neatest thing is when someone leaves a comment/rating on your item. Those emails make me grin from ear to ear. :D

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  15. Oooh, I love that magic wand! I have a glitter wand but I think I need to look for one like that, too :)

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  16. I love your wand. It must be magical!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  17. Love the duct tape idea. Let us know how it turns out!! And that magic wand is just too cute!

    I have given you the Lovely Blog Award. Hop on over to my blog to check it out.



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