Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Whole Lotta...

I love blogging!

Just wanted to put that out there in case you weren't sure.

First of all, my house is clean!  It was clean on Friday and I worked really hard to pick up after my three messy boys for the last two days so it would stay that way.  I was able to sit around today and do a whole lotta...

Church goin'
Blog stalking
Coffee drinking
Blog stalking
Coffee drinking

It was blissful because I'm usually running around doing a whole LOTTA lotta...

Since you might have been doing your runnning around today instead of living on the blogs like me,  I'll give it to you in a nutshell.  My bloggy buddy Kelley over at Buggy for Second Grade is having a giveaway.  She's trying to reach 300 followers and she's oh, so close!  Go over, follow and enter her giveaway for a $25 dollar gift certificate to Teachers Pay Teachers.  She's announcing the winner on Wednesday, just in time for the big sale going on for Leap Day!!!!

If you haven't checked out this post over at TBA {here} you might want to. New bloggers are linking up over there and I've found some brand spankin' new know you'll make their day by'll probably make a few of them jump up and down and scream a little bit when they see their numbers grow.  C'mon - you know I'm right!

I've hit a winning streak - did you notice?  I've been winning some giveaways...I don't know where this stroke of good luck has come from because my saying is "If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"...which isn't entirely bad luck goes in spurts like that week when I pulled out of my driveway and forgot hubby's car was there and I took his mirror right off the side....and some other snafoos.  I'm so hoping this good luck sticks....I won a Starbucks giftcard and two awesome TpT products from Amy over at Krazy About Kiddos, I won this from Miss Foote over at Chickadee Jubliee...

Click on the picture to go to Storiarts Etsy shop
Just today I found out I won another giveway {You aren't hating me, are you? Please don't take me off your blog roll, please don't UNfollow me} over at Miss S's blog Just Teaching Kindergarten.  She's a sweety pie student teacher.  Maybe you could head on over and follow her blog.  It's always nice to support those just entering the field.  I won a whole slew of goodness from Miss S...a $15 dollar gift card to Target {Now I KNOW you've jumped ship...come back...please....I'm having a give away soon and it's gonna be just as stick with me...pllllllllease}, some awesome clipart from the one, the only, The 3 AM Teacher, some goodness from Jen over at The Teacher's Cauldron, by the way - don't freak out when you go over to Jen's blog like I just did...her blog looks way different and, MY WORD, it's so dang cute!!!!!!!! From Shawna over at The Picture Book Teacher's Edition I won an awesome unit for the book The Mitten Tree!!!!!!!

Okay - I would be rolling my eyes right now too, if I were you.  Here's what you have to do - go find a few more followers to help me get to 400 and then wait for my new bloggy reveal sometime in March and you too might be a WINNER!!!!

On another note, Chrissy B over at Buzzing with Ms. B wrote an amazing post today about her guided reading groups.  She and I run ours pretty much the same.  She motivated me to get more organized with my note taking so I went over to Zazzle and made myself a couple of cute binders.  I haven't purchased either one yet because I'm undecided and need your help.  Which one do you like best?

We'll call this one "circles"

And we'll call this one polka dots
Notice the customization - would you use different words?  Look at the front cover and the like?

I was going to wait until the summer to get myself organized with my reading and writing notetaking/running records, etc. but I'm so darn motivated right now I have to roll with it.  So put in your vote so I can order it, receive it and get moving before I win another giveaway and get side tracked.  HA!

Have a great week everybody!!!!!!



  1. I like Circles better! Plus, I imagine the white getting grungy faster - you know, after you've fixed the copier for the umpteenth time and then forget you have toner all over your hands and pick up your binder...oh wait...that might just be me! Anyways, you're ahead of me by about 80 followers and you started your blog a few months after me - what have you been doing?? Oh, and I think your streak of luck is awesome! It's always nice to see someone friendly win!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  2. Hey!!! How are you winning all this stuff???!!!!! GRRRRRR!!! :) :) :)
    My vote is for polka dots. And I feel like now I want to copy you and go get my very own. I am obsessing over it.
    So glad you got to do a whole lotta today. Me too!! With the hubs nearby so I'm super happy (except I have to go to school tomorrow and it is supposed to rain).
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. I am liking the polka dots too! Congrats on all your winnings!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  4. Congratulations on ALL THAT STUFF! Good Gravy! Let's REALLY go to Vegas~ my money is on you!
    Personally, I am with Jennifer from Herding Kats..."circles" seems like it would stay {look} cleaner longer:)

    Going Nutty!

  5. Congrats on your wins!! I love winning, but giving is just as good too :) Can't wait to see what your next giveaway will be - I'm only 5 followers away from 400 - so another giveaway is coming for me too!! Anyway, I love the circles!! I made one for myself this year and I have loved it all year, gotten several comments on it, and can't wait to create another one for next year, it's going to be black/white/pink to match all my organization stuff!

  6. {p.s} Ahem....My button appears to have fallen off your sidebar.....hint...hint...

  7. You are making people's day by checking out their new blogs - thanks again for heading over to mine! Fingers crossed your winning streak continues and rubs off?! I'm partial to the polka-dots, very cute! Unfortunately, you've given me another distraction - customized binders, oh boy!
    Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

  8. I love the "Circles" binder! Congrats on all your wins! Guess what??? You were a winner in my giveaway!!! :) I will be emailing you soon! Congrats! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  9. I just awarded you with a TOP 10 BLOG AWARD!

    Come check out my blog to see the post: Just Teaching...Kindergarten
    Check out this link so you can grab your button.. Top Ten Award

    Miss S
    Just Teaching...Kindergarten

  10. I love 'em both but I think circles.

    Grade ONEderful

  11. Wow! You HAVE hit a lucky winner streak! Can you send some of that luck this way?

    I like both of the binders, but I would go for polka dots.

    First Grade Magic

  12. I would not let you go because of good luck. I may come over and steal that scarf right out of your closet however.
    My vote is for polka dots.
    love ya!

  13. *Ahem* Little Miss Winner... you know how we all secretly feel about that! :)

    I like the 2nd binder best.

    Thanks for the long post to keep me entertained from the couch! I'm home sick today and have grand plans to blog stalk for the entire morning!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

    1. Christina, I was thinking the same as you...I was going to write about that but wasn't sure how to write it! :)
      I like circles because I'm really into orange right now. :)

      Stepping Into First Grade

  14. HA - girls, no worries - I was thinking the same thing!!!!!!

  15. I was totally making a face at my screen while reading... then I got over I because you are a smart Michigan girl! I didn't even enter most of them (I get easily distracted!) so I can't REALLY be upset at not winning. You deserve it :) My vote is for the circles... someone will put their grimey little hands on it at some point and the white will get dirty. I'm going to assume it would be one of the kids (or the boys at home)- I trust you have clean hands :)

    Best wishes (and that you will stop entering things so I can win),
    New Adventures in First Grade

  16. Oh, yay! Thanks for the shout out!! I'm so happy it inspired you lol. I don't know which I like better - they're both SUPER cute, but maybe the white one (polka dots) might get a bit messy and the other (circles) wouldn't as much? Because it's darker? I tend to think about messiness a lot cause I'm messy.
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  17. Totally jealous of your giveaway wins. Thanks for following my new blog! Definitely the polka dots!

    Tickled to Teach

  18. Thank you for following my blog! I actually squealed and jumped up and down....scared my husband to death! LOL. I love the polka dots, too!


  19. LOVE your blog and THANK YOU for following my new blog! I do love the circles binder. Now I have the itch to update my own!
    Thanks again!

  20. Thanks so much for the shout out Miss Holly! I love those binders, but I think I would have to go with the polka dots! I am a sucker for polka dots! Thanks for the information about the new blogs! I am going to check it out! Have a good Wednesday!

  21. Jeeze! One time last year I won 3 prizes in one day ;) lol! So fun!!

  22. I love Zazzle! I bought a couple cool binders for school last summer and also one for recipes. Love them! Yours are so fun!

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings

  23. Your love for blogging shines through, that's why I'm giving you the One Lovely Blog award!! Come on by the Corner to grab the graphic and pass it along if you can.

    Happy March!

    The Corner On Character

  24. I'm your newest follower your blog is cute! I like the first one the best. I'm really nervous about anything white especially with little ones around! Can't wait to see more!



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