Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mental Images/Visualizing

Happy Heart Day!

I'm still twitching from our Valentine's Day Bash...good golly was it...ummm...active!?!  I'm not a light-turner-offer {Okay, yeah I am - but not a flicker  - like on, off, on, off, on} but today I was.  Mostly for the parents.  Love my parents, but clearly they forgot what "Give me five" means.  So, Mrs. W was doing a lot of light flicking today during the party.  The kids had fun, lots of smiles...so I'm okay with it all..but I am still twitchin'...

Did I tell you that I have next week off?  I think I forgot neglected to tell you because I thought some of you might feel sad, jealous, resentful envious of that.  Remember, though, I only had a week {and some change} off at Christmas...so I'm owed {is that a word?}. 

After break we'll be starting our unit on mental images/visualizing.  This is one of my ALL time favorites.  For lots of reasons...

1.  You can really talk up getting lost in a good book.
2.  March is reading month and what better month to really talk up getting lost in a good book?
3.  We are working on making our writing more FUN for others to read - which means including lots of details which means people will create mental images when they read our detailed writing.
4.  I love the celebration we have at the end...{You'll have to wait for details on that}...

When we talk about mental images we talk about what things might:
*Smell like...
*Taste like...
*Sound like...
*Feel like...
*Look like...

To kick off the whole unit we talk about how important it is to pay REALLY close attention to details.  When we listen closely and think hard about what we read we notice those details and imagine them in our heads.  Then we practice noticing things around the classroom/school with our Mental Image Makers.  In the past I've used mini-magnifying glasses.  We took a walk around the classroom and the school to really notice life around us - up close and personal. This year I decided to make these cute little creations out of toilet paper {or paper towel rolls cut in half} rolls.

So, when we return from our break {see how sensitive I am to your feelings?!?} we'll start this new unit by making our own Mental Image Makers and do some detective work...

I had my boys decorate them - my fourth grader wasn't too thrilled about pretending he was a girl - but he did it for YOU!

Click below to pick up your own!

Print on 1" x 2 5/8" Labels

Clipart: Scrappin' Doodles
Do you ever wish lunches would pack themselves?  Maybe if I make a mental image of that happening...it will!!?!



  1. Super jealous about your week off...but I hope you enjoy it! I like the mental image makers. I've been saving toilet paper rolls because I knew I could use them eventually- I'll have to add this to the list of possibilities! : )

  2. Hey girl! Happy to hear you had a smooth Valentine's Day. Sometimes I find myself switching the lights on and off too. Ahhh! It grabs their attention, but then some of them think it's fun.

    Love your ideas for visualizing. You should TOTALLY check out the book "Comprehension Connections." It is FILLED with concrete, fun, and engaging ways to visualize. I love it. It is my go to book.

    Happy Valentine's Day! By the way, I'm such a nut...I thought that the "scheduled day" for my blog was the day that it would actually be installed. It won't be installed until tomorrow or Thursday. The Jumping Jax blog anticipation continues! :)

    Take care, sweet lady!!!


    1. Love that book too - I borrow my buddy, Barb's...but need to buy my own!!! {That's where I got my schema roller lesson}

      Can't wait to see your new look!!!!!!

  3. Does that mean you don't get a week off in March? Cause I'd rather have March than February, but I'd rather have a week earlier in May than a week in March. lol I LOVE mental images! Thanks for the freebie!

    1. We get a week in April too...but we don't get out until mid-June :)

  4. I am wishing my lunch was made right now too. Maybe if more than one person visuals it there is more power and therefore more likely to happen? I know, wishful thinking! :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  5. ugh, I can't believe you have next week off!! Im super jealous!!!!!

    Ill manage though! I had yesterday off! It was pretty nice!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  6. Holly, these are AdOrAbLe!!! Have fun making those lunches . . . put a fun secret message or secret code for your kids to decode on the napkin . . . then prepare to SaVoR your time off . . . .thanks for stopping by the Corner today and telling us about your blind affirmations . . . what a delightful activity to engage children in!

    The Corner On Character

  7. Those are very very very cool!!!! :)
    And what do you mean, you have a WEEK OFF???!!!???!!!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  8. Yep... sad, jealous, resentful and envious!

    Fabulous idea. Enjoy your freakin'.... I mean wonderful week off! :D
    Dragonflies in First

  9. i love these! I have started working hard on writing and getting quality sentences from my students. Details will be what we work on next. This is perfect. We have next week off too! We also have a week off in April. You just teach near me. :)

    First in Maine

  10. I am super jealous of your week off, but when you mentioned your short Christmas break, I remembered how I felt sorry for you having such a short break. So I am not jealous anymore. Really. I'm not. Okay, a little.

    LOVE the visualizing ideas! I can't wait to read about the celebration at the end of your unit.

    First Grade Magic

  11. Very jealous of your week off. Do you get a Spring Break too, or is this it?
    Love the mental image makers!

    Fun In First

  12. What a cool idea! Enjoy your week off.

    Grade ONEderful

  13. I have a four day weekend and I am soooo excited! If we lived closer I would totally say we need to get together. We can pretend though right?? Have a fun week off!

  14. It is my favorite strategy to, we are just finishing it. Check out my blog for some of the things we did.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  15. Love these ideas for mental images/visualizing! Thank you for sharing them. Enjoy your time off next week!
    Conversations in Literacy

  16. Whew! It wasn't just me. I was reading a calming-down story towards the end of our party and the mothers wouldn't stop talking. It made me want to scream! Rude...just plain rude.

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings

  17. Holly - I am your newest follwer and we have so much in common. I too am married to a teacher ( high school + football and baseball coach ) and I lined up my animals and taught them when I was little. Too funny! I am new to the blogging world. Stop by and visit - I would love the input. :o)
    ~ Vicky
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  18. What a cute idea to introduce visualizing! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing all of your wonderful ideas. Feel free to stop by and visit my blog as well!



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