Friday, February 3, 2012

Find Your Pace *Freebie*

Happy Friday!

Okay, so I don't know if this was a fluke, if it was the placebo effect, dumb know that my kiddos have been a bit off since....Christmas! {Honestly, maybe before that...Halloween?} Seemed like each day they were slowly slipping away with me grasping, yelling "Nooooooooooooooooo"....

I posted {here} about Brain Gym; something I once did, but brushed aside because...well, I'm usually teaching right up to the bell - literally it's a mad dash with me saying "Go! Go! Go! No time for dawdling...LET'S GO!!!!!!!" {I try not to do this, by the way, I hate ending our day like that...but shoot, there's so much to teach and just not enough time...}

Okay, so I've been wracking my brain what I can do to bring back that class of sweeties that once was.  Like I said, our mornings are fine, it's our afternoons that cause this teacher to melt. down.  Our inservice last Friday came at just the right time. 

We've been doing Brain Gym all took a while to get into the groove, but my kids have really caught on to the routine and just after lunch {We have recess before lunch} we spend 5 minutes - tops - on the PACE routine.  You can read about it {here}.  Seriously, you guys, as the week went on my kiddos gradually became more calm in the afternoons.  Placebo? I don't know...I mean, I did tell them that doing these activities would get their brains and bodies ready to learn, so I planted that seed, but truly their behavior has improved like you wouldn't believe!  I'm sold.

This Friday Freebie, is in honor of Pamela Woods, The Vintage Teacher.
Click to visit her blog and leave a supportive message for her family.

Pam left an indelible mark on the blog world and won't soon be forgotten.

Hug your loved ones a bit tighter this weekend!



  1. Brain gym is awesome :) I do it every day with my kiddos...but, they have definitely seemed off since Christmas too! It must be a MI thing...hehe :) Sending you a HUG :)

    Lisa :)

  2. A couple years ago I would turn on my iPod, and we would dance to an upbeat song like Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA! Or others. My kids love that we broke up the routine and got silly. I'm going to have to bring that back again!

  3. We just do brain breaks! Also, I give my kids gum, I know, crazy, but it really helps! Have you thought about an extra reward system, like brownie points or something like that?

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

    1. I just pulled out my bucket{Bucket Fillers} and we started putting foam hearts in it for a classroom incentive {I already do individual incentives}...great minds thinking alike, Rach!

      Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  4. I am definitely going to check it out! My cuties have been CRAZY! And we also have long afternoons! Thanks for the info!
    Farming the First Grade Crop

  5. My kids have been like animals! Lol They are completely off their rockers or should I say medication. :) I think I called more parents this week then I have all year. I am crossing my fingers next week is better. I emailed you about the package. I haven't gotten it yet but the weather hasn't been good here. Let you know when I get it!

  6. I am trying to catch up on my blog stalking... LOVE Brain Gym! Thanks for the wonderful sign for my classroom! It will remind me to do it more! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  7. I recently went to a Brain Gym workshop here in South Africa and I simply cannot get over how doing the simple PACE exercise with my monsters every morning has made such a huge change. Its amazing. Thank you for sharing this too.


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