Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dandy Random ~ Giggles & Pictures

Theriously girlth {ode to Kristin - now I'm in "the know"}, I had to turn the couch cushion over today - it was all smooshy and stuff.  It had "blogging" written all over it.  That and Ellen...I had MONTHS of Ellen dvr'd that I finally caught up on {somewhat} today.  Tomorrow is already Thursday....put the brakes.....on this......break. 

For those of you working this week - here's a little pick-me-up...have you seen these?

On Youtube there is something called "pronunciation book" where you can listen to words being pronounced correctly - so if you're learning English, this would be helpful.  Well, some guy with a funny bone calls his "pronunciation manual" - it looks the same as the other one, but he says the words incorrectly.  Ellen was in stitches and it had me rolling too.  I like how he says the same word a few different ways.  HA!

To make you feel a wee bit better - I did go into my classroom today.  I brought my boys with  - which is always...interesting.  They had a blast in the gym rolling around on scooters, shooting hoops and just running around like crazy kids. I was able to get quite a bit done. Lots of organizing and I'm all planned for next week.  PHEW.  

I am in total love with my new chairs around my guided reading table...

They slide under the table like butta...
I just have to share my new Reader's Toolbox and Tools that my parapro made for me...

Here are a couple of the strategies/ "tools" up close...

She's way more talented than I am..that's for darn sure!  When she brought in the finished product I gave her the biggest hug ever and stopped just short of a big fat smooch...

We celebrated President's Day last week.  I don't usually "do up" that holiday but there were so many cute things out there in blogland I couldn't resist.  We combined Cara's "statement and question" writing {here} because my kiddos are having such a hard time with these with Erica's craftivity {here}.  Her's is a two-sided activity but I didn't have anywhere to hang them up so you could see both sides, so I had my kids choose which one they wanted to do - Abe or George.  They turned out really cute.  You can't really see very well, but Abe's eyes are pennies and George's buttons are quarters.

 Well that was one dandy random post....


  1. Love the pronunciation manual! I needed that laugh!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

  2. Crappy-dime! Thanks for the laugh :)

    The new reader's toolbox looks great!


  3. haha...hubs does the pronunciation manual just randomly when we're sitting on the's funny in the spur of the moment..hehe
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  4. I love the readers toolbox idea!!! That is so cute and I'm sure very helpful:)

  5. I saw those on Ellen the other day and I had tears from laughing so hard! I also love Rosie and Sophie Grace!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  6. I was CERTAIN that hamburger was going to be OM-bur-ga like in The Pink Panther...this was even BETTER :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  7. I just found your blog and started following. It's great! So jealous you had this week off!

    Glitter and Glue

  8. Love the "ode" to me. Ha!!!!
    I really love the penny and quarter idea -- CLEVER!!!!! Stealing it!
    Your chairs look great!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  9. Those new chairs are great! Cute idea on the coins for the eyes!
    Conversations in Literacy

  10. Thank you for sharing some laughs!! Love the chairs too!

    First Grade Brain Sprinkles

  11. STILL totally jealous that you are on break... but whatever. ;)

    NO no no no no no... you are NOT supposed to go to work when you are on break. It defeats the "on break" purpose!

    Crappy-dime is gonna stay with me for a while. :D

    Like that coin idea. Smart.
    Dragonflies in First

  12. I am glad you liked your little gift!!! :)

  13. Oh my gosh that's so funny! LOVED hamburger. I've heard kids say it that way too!

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  14. Your couch cushion and my couch cushion could be friends! I decided to move around a bit while blogging LOL. Anyways I just stopped by to say thanks for following my blog!


  15. hey!
    I told my class to man up today. In your honor. They didn't listen. total chaos and crying when I started my daily 5 on the wrong rotation.
    Anyhoo....I have to watch your pronunciation manual...but it is blocked here at school.
    So my son is a third grader. he should be a 4th grader but we have a grade here called prefirst. So it is a year between kinder and first for maturity. I put my kiddo in there and am so glad. He is rocking the top of his class now and has perfect behavior. He started out a little rough and immature. :)
    I emailed you and I am trying to be a good girl and wait for a response, but it's hard. I better man up.

  16. Thanks for entering Miss. S's giveaway, and following me. I am now your newest follower! I hope you have enjoyed your week off. Looking forward to visiting you often!!

    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition


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