Monday, December 26, 2011

Top Three...If You Can Call it That...Linky Party & Something Has Me Tickled Pink

Hi Chicklets,

I'm sort of embarrassed to participate in this party, but I'll do it - consider it a late Christmas gift to all of my bloggy friends who might find yourselves feeling competitive and green with envy of people with, say, 49,000 views of ONE post.. {How does that happen, I won't mention any names, Miss Kindergarten } ...yes, I'll do that for you. Awww, hush, it's no big deal.  You're welcome.

If you're interested in showing me up checking out your stats for the year {Hey, that's right - I've only been blogging for two months...what do I expect anyway - instant Bloggess status like Kristin?} and proudly {or not so} display them for the whole-wide-world to see - go link up with Fern {Who I'm trying really hard to "follow" but Blogger hasn't let me follow a new blog in THREE days!!!} over at Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas.

Full Moon = Random and a *Think Sheet Freebie* - Are you ready? You might want to have a seat first.  Get a brown bag ready just in case you need to "breathe in, breathe out"....289 views

i'M aLl OvEr ThE pLaCe *Snowman Freebie* - Wait, it gets better...389 views

Happy Lucky 13th Follower Freebie - Okay, this one isn't *quite* so bad...910 views

I did learn a thing or two though about stats - I can check to see how often and which things are pinned....if you don't now how you just go to "stats" then to "traffic sources" and click "more".  It's listed under "referring url's"  - then find "Pinterest".  So, while my numbers might not be all that impressive, I was pretty geeked to see some of my items have been pinned and even some nice stuff was said about them too!

On  a different note...

I am pleased as punch to tell you that I am the proud owner of this piece of technology...
Which allows for me to turn this:

Into this:

It's the Mimio! {Click HERE for info}  It might not be a Smartboard - but I'm just tickled pink to be "testing" it out for our school. I'm hoping I like it and find it useful in the classroom.  If I like it our PTA is going to purchase 6 more.  Mimio has its own exchange online and from what I understand I'm able to use Smartboard files.  I found a ton of them on Jessica Meacham's website {HERE}.

If you're familiar with Mimio I'd love to hear what you think of it.  Here's hoping it's everything I think it might be!

Now go check out some of my old posts to beef up my stats...hey, if I keep clicking on my own posts will it bring up my numbers? !?! 

Guess where I'm headed?


  1. hahahahah!!! you crack me up!!! :)

    What is that technology and how much is it???

    I don't have a smartboard. I want one!

  2. You are too funny and totally speak the truth! Can I get an amen??!!???

    My blog stats are driving me crazy because I am having to tell the competitive voice in me to HUSH!!!

    You have such a wonderful blog that in a very short time those numbers will be higher...and I am rocking in the corner telling myself that over in over!

    Thank you for being such a good follower to me! You have blessed me and my blog!

    Heather's Heart

  3. How cool is that!!!?? and it's 59,000 thankyouverymuch! hahah jk!!!

  4. LOLOL Heather's comment just killed me! I'm imaging several bloggers curled in a ball rocking in corners right now.

  5. I am jealous! I want a mimio (is that how you spell it?) Our school's been look into them too. Let me know how you like it! I love your blog. I'll click some more on your posts to up your numbers if you'll do the same for me :)

  6. Totally feeling you since Kritin and I started our blogs around the same time and she has 9 times more followers than I do!!! Feeling a little jealous! I totally want the Mimio too! I don't think my district is looking into this at all right now but I would totally be interested in the cost so I could do a little convincing. I'm off to look it up!! (and yes you can affect your stats, I though I was doing so much better before I clicked "don't track my page views" :(

  7. I was hesitant to look at my stats too. Yeah for new technology. Is it like an interactive board?

    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  8. Haha! Girl, I'm afraid to participate in the linky party for the same reason!!

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  9. You soooo make me laugh! I hope you had a fantastic Christmas! I have sooo been busy with family! Congrats on the Mimio! That is sooo cool! (and I am soooooo jealous!) Some teachers at my school just got Smartboards, but I wasn't one of them :( I keep telling myself by the time I get one they will be bigger and better! Here's to hoping! :) Oh - and I NEVER look at stats, so I don't depress myself! Have a very Happy New Year friend! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  10. Thank you for linking up at my linky party and giving a shout out to others! You have only blogged for 2 months? That is wonderful!
    Have a Happy New Year,
    Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!

  11. I wish I had an interactive piece of technology to use with my students. Although, reading your blog title I thought EPT....and, pregnancy! Guess, reading is fundamental! I am now Following! And...thanks for leaving such nice comments on my blog. I love those more than Stats.

  12. Go easy on yourself, those numbers aren't so bad for a newbie blogger!! It's sooooo hard not to compare though, I know.
    I saw the mimeo at a tech conference and I thought it was awesome. Of course they told me you couldn't use Smart files, but they might *have* to say that to CYA. Let me know if you find out if you can...I'd love to know!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  13. I want one, I want one, I want one. We do not have smart boards at our school either. I would love to use that in my classroom. You are so lucky!

  14. I was totally "embarassed" to post my stats when it comes to comparison to others like Hadar and Kristin! lol..
    and we don't have smart boards in our school - shoot, we're lucky to have our doc cams! lol
    Jen Ross
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  15. I figured out why you can't link up. It said that your URL can't be more than 100 characters.
    Yours is
    Which is 104!
    I am sure other people know a better way to fix this...but this is what I know.
    If you edit the title of the post and make it smaller, it will still have the old title as the url. So what I would do as a quick fix. I would make a new post, just "Edit" the old post and click on html. Then select all and copy. Then paste it into the new post with a much shorter title. Let me know if you do that or if you hear a better way to fix it.
    Also feel free to email me directly.
    Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith’s Pinterest Boards!

  16. I absolutely adore my Mimio! I love that I can use my whiteboard one minute and turn it into and interactive whiteboard the next. I've been trying to learn to make some of my own my spare time:)
    Loving your blog!!

  17. Holly! I'm so happy for you! You will love your Mimio. If you send me your email I can send you some lessons. I created lunch count templates for my kiddos..all themed. :) Although I teach 3rd, a lot of my lessons can be easily be modified to fit your grade level. I provide Mimio training for my district so I would be happy to help you in any way. There are cool "tricks" which can be added to your lessons that your 1st graders will go NUTS for. Just let me know if you ever want to cyber meet! :) Thanks for stopping by at A Class Act

    A Class Act


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