Hi! Hi! Hi!!!! {That's hyper-jittery-blog-deprived me saying hello!}
Today was a mighty busy day. Good-busy. Spent the day with my BFF shopping 'til we dropped {I really thought I was going to drop - like a fly - this dear friend of mine can SHOP...but I love the chit chat and the giggles}. Thankfully another BFF of mine made a delicious dinner for our family tonight and the kids had a blast while the adults just hung out. All in all, a great day!!!
Aren't linky parties the best way to blog when you're a teacher and you're on break?!?!
Kristin at A Teeny Tiny Teacher and
Hadar at Miss Kindergarten are hosting an 11 in '11 Linky Party. Here are my 11 in '11...
11. Favorite movie you watched
Okay, I'm going to say something that I can't believe is going to leave my lips. It's
not Twilight Breaking Dawn. <gasp>. No worries, I'm still crushing hard on Edward, but admit the acting isn't exactly stellar.
I'm all for a movie that will make me laugh - I mean a deep, hard, belly laugh. The kind of laugh that leaves me with tears streaming down my face and I press rewind two or three times and then I watch the whole movie again the very next day. The kind of movie that doesn't leave me thinking, doesn't make me ponder a darn thing...it's just good for the soul.
Bridesmaids |
10. Favorite TV series
Honestly, I don't watch a ton of t.v. If I do watch t.v. I get totally sucked into Bachelor, Bachelorette, America's Got Talent, Biggest Loser...I love watching Ellen, shows on TLC or OWN...so picking a series actually wasn't too hard for me because there's really only one that I watch religiously....
Mitchell and Cameron crrrrrack me up! |
9. Favorite restaurant
Well, favorite restaurant and the restaurant I go to most don't jive. If I had my choice:
Where we usually end up going...
8. Favorite new thing you tried
Bath & Body Works - Liplicious - Whipped Vanilla
You've got to try it!!!!! |
7. Favorite gift you received
I would say my Kindle {because I love that thing to bits and pieces} but then you might think I'm a copy cat {
A close second...
Yes, that's a Shark Steam Mop. I'm not sure if it's how easily and spotlessly it cleans my floors, or if it's because my fourth grade son overheard a conversation I had about how much I hate cleaning my floors and how I wish I had a Shark...he remembered that conversation from long ago and got me one for my birthday {No worries, hubby plans on schooling him on diamonds and dinner when he gets older}. I thought that was so darn sweet. The thing works like a champ...if you don't have one, I highly recommend you do some serious hinting...shoot, just head out to Bed, Bath & Beyond with your 20% off coupon and get it for yourself. That way, maybe you can have your Shark and eat it too. {?!}
6. Favorite thing you pinned
Okay, I've tried really hard to get into Pinterest. I've even added the gadget to my blog. I just don't get it. I "follow" people and people "follow" me...but, well, I dunno - I think I might be okay with not being into it. Lord knows, I spend enough time on this darn computer!!!!
5. Favorite blog post Choosing favorites isn't something I'm very good at. Usually I just say something is a favorite to please other people. "What's our favorite color, Mrs. W.?" "Blue" {But not really, I don't have a favorite color}. "What's your favorite food, Mrs. W.?" "Meatloaf" {Not so much, but you won't leave me alone if I don't give you an answer}. Kids like their teacher to have favorites...so I make them up. My favorite blog post? Shoot - I don't know. Maybe this one - Influential People - Each and Every One of Us - maybe not. I like them all the same! I think.
4. Favorite accomplishment You're killing me with all these "favorites"...HA - just kidding. Sorta. Aside from birthing two awesome young boys {One of which was 10 lbs 4 oz}...I'd have to say blogging. I've read blogs for years but never in a million gajillion years thought I would attempt to start one of my own. I'm so glad I did!!!!!
3. Favorite picture
This is a picture of my boys from last New Year's Eve. Each year we celebrate the countdown - hmm, say at 10:00 pm or so. We find an old Youtube video of the ball dropping and the boys throw streamers, blow their whistles, clink their glasses and drink their juice. It's great fun! They were having fun in front of the projector after we watched the ball drop and I got all creative and asked them to "clink their glasses" while I took a picture of their shadows. Kinda cool, eh?
{disclaimer: Above picture is really only one of MANY favorites}
2. Favorite memory
Geez oh petes, I have a ton of these too. I'll pick a relatively recent one. We took a family trip up north last year. I actually have many pictures from this vacation up in my classroom at school. I'm not a "find your happy place" kinda person, but I swear - when I look at those pictures it takes me back to such a peaceful time.
One of many sunsets... {We saw one each of the 7 nights we were there}...like how I snuck in another favorite picture!?!?
1. Goal for 2012
Find a better balance, better perspective, and do more small/simple nice things for other people to let them know I appreciate them.
I would really like to implement alternative seating in my classroom. I'm so intrigued by it and what really piqued my interest was reading Stacy's blog over at
2nd Grade Paradise. My principal is really excited about it which is awesome. He's having our school PT {physical therapist} talk about its benefits at our next professional development day. Stacy has been so awesome answering all of my questions, sending me her lesson plans for implementing alternative seating...I can't wait to give it a go next school year! {I may even try it a bit this school year}
Wow - that took a lot of brain power!!!!
Now go link up and share your 11 in '11!