Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sixth Annual Pay it Forward Giveaway

Update:  The winning organization is Team Joseph  - a nonprofit organization whose mission is to fund Duchenne muscular dystrophy research.   Good news - a parent from my school matched the donation so that means 200 dollars has been donated.   Thanks to those of you who entered.  If you happened upon this post and have the itch to "pay it forward" - check the comments below for wonderfully deserving groups that need your support.  

The holidays are here!  I'm not sure when they came - but they did and I can't believe it.
I couldn't forget about my annual "Pay it Forward" giveaway.  It's my favorite and I hope you'll participate.  Here's how it works.  You're blessed. You know you are.  It might not always feel like it - but you have so many things in your life that you're thankful, beyond measure, for.  

This has been a tough school year for me - in a lot of ways.  I'm generally a person who tries to focus on the positive and push down those negative thoughts.  That's been hard to do this school year because the negative are so in my face.  I know you know how I feel. You've been there or maybe you're there as we speak.

Even with that, I'm reminded that I have it REALLY good.  Teaching might be a super crazy profession to be in right now; but good golly I have a job and I have kids that come into my classroom every day eager to learn and they love me more than pizza and I love them just the same.

Then there are my family and friends who fill my soul with so much happiness. 


I know there are people going through trials. I know there are people going without.  
This giveaway is  all about thinking of those people {or animals - whoever - WHATever!} who might need a little extra somethin' somethin' to give them what they need.  Because, they deserve it.

Here's how it works.
I want you to think of an organization that is near and dear to your heart.  
Tell us about it in the comments.  If you have a special story that you'd like to share - maybe in honor of a special someone or to create awareness - please feel free to do that in the comments as well.

Enter your information in the Rafflecopter and that's it.

Thanks so much!

Donations can be given in honor of someone special and will be given in YOUR name.

Donations have been given to the following organizations in years past...

Year One:

Year Two:

Year Three:

Year Four:

Year Five:

Thank you SO much!

Hugs to you all!!!

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