Hi Folks,
Third day of summer vacay and I'm already thinking about what I can do differently next year. Aren't we blessed that way? Finish up a year, feel good about it, but then start fresh next school year. We're so lucky to be able to reinvent ourselves and our classrooms each year.
So, my current thinking is about alternative seating. I've been tossing this idea around for a few years now and just haven't taken the leap. I *think* I might be ready to go for it next school year...but I might need a little encouragement {or, "what the heck are you thinking"} from all of you.
Here's my thought process...
The last few years I've been concerned that my kiddos are coming to me with different needs than what they once did. They just seem more distracted and in need of a faster pace. I started speculating why this was and I do have my thoughts - but it did strike me the other day, that it's just as much about the kids as it is our teaching.
Classrooms have changed, expectations have grown. I'm pretty sure the difference in my classroom today versus 15 years ago is a combination of high expectations {developmentally appropriate isn't even in our vocabulary anymore} and kids coming in with different needs/ways of learning {thanks video games and overbooked/overcooked families}. What I do know is I'd like to set up the environment in a way that will help my little ones, who have only been on this earth for 6 whole years - yet are expected to infer, use their schema and perform mental math operations that I still have troubles with, succeed.
I do want to put out there that my students have never sat at their desks 6 hours out of any day - we do move around the room during workplaces, science experiments, reader's workshop, etc., but I'm thinking about writer's workshop, and other times during the day when they are sitting on those hard, uncomfortable chairs.
So, I'm thinking about bringing alternative seating into my classroom. Before you give me your thoughts let me share with you how I see this looking and working in my classroom. {I definitely have a lot of questions and wonderings too}
I'm thinking I want to purchase a couple moon chairs {something like this}...
This one is from Walmart - wonder if I can find them somewhere for even cheaper? |
Butter up my awesome custodian and see if he'll lower a table or two so that I can have this...
Miss Hoffman's Class - visit her website for more cool info on alternative seating... |
I already have lots of pillows, a mini couch, wiggle seats, a rocking chair and a big chair with pillows for the kids to sit on.
And our PTA purchased 5 stability balls for me at the end of the school year.
PTA purchased ours using Campbell Soup label points |
I figure I'll keep six first grade desks, and get 3 bigger kid desks and have those raised as high as they will go for my "standers"...
Think about how much space I'll have in my room with only 9 desks!
I already have a kidney bean table for guided reading - so kids could work there when I'm not. I'm hoping that in the future I can purchase some bean bags to add to the collection.
Oh, and I have these guys from IKEA...
Only $7.99 at IKEA - and they are strong enough to hold me! I have cute crabby and froggy cushions to go on top. |
I also have a classroom set of clipboards and might look into purchasing a few lap desks...
$15 at Walmart - wonder if I can find them cheaper somewhere? |
So, here's what's holding me back...
The only investment I have to put into this {so far} are the mushroom chairs {and maybe some lap desks} - everything else I have already. Since I won't have one set "seat" for the students I have to think of ways to store materials such as:
*Math book, handwriting book
*Pencil boxes
2. Management
*How do I manage who sits where - especially early on. I can see once my kiddos are solid in rules and routines being able to introduce something like alternative seating, but I'm pretty concerned with how this will look at the beginning of the school year. I think it's this piece that's REALLY holding me back, more than management of supplies.
I'm still not 100 percent sure if I'm going to take the leap and do this - but I really, really want to. I think it's what my students need to help them stay engaged with this "rigorous curriculum". Buuuutttt....if I don't manage it properly and have all my ducks in a row going into it, it could really go south. {I'm sort of a control freak...sorta, but I'm calming down in the area with age...HA!}
Here are a few websites I've found on the topic to help me {and you if you're wondering about it} wrap my brain around it further...
So, I would REALLY like you to weigh in. What do you think about desks vs. tables? Alternative seating vs. traditional seating? Do you have any ideas for storage if a teacher should opt out of desks?
My mind is whirling - but I'm excited about this new venture!